heavy weight

Character Name: Aaron Jones
Nicknames/Alias: Heavy Weight
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: June 11, 1996
Date of Joining: September 25th, 2010
Place of Birth: Jersey City, New Jersey
Residence: a suburban house outside of Gotham
Ethnicity: Asian-American
Race: Meta-Human
Height: 6’4
Weight: 200 lbs.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Languages: English
Powers/Abilities: Super Strength and Invulnerability
Role in Injustice Teens: Tank
Relatives: Aiden Jones(Father), Isabella Jones(Mother), Ava Jones(Sister)
Relationships: Maximum Zero, Input, Ice Tile, High Top, Jermain Lake, Kid Blurr, Talon, Ritz Marshall, Stereo, Heavens Archer
Education: High School
Background: Born and raised in Jersey City, Aaron Jones got into a fair bit of trouble as a kid but nothing serious. If he wasn’t playing hooky from school, he was running the streets with his group of friends or getting into fights. Even as a kid, Aaron was big. Built like a quarterback, thanks to his father and mother, he put his brawns to youth. When he was at school, he favored physical activities more than academics. In the summer of 2009, his life a normal high-schooler would end after going to Gotham City for a weekend with some friends and his sister. At the seedy underworld club, they snuck into, a gunfight broke out between some armed men and the Red Hood. A stray bullet hit one of his friends, Mya, right between the eyes, killing her instantly as she fell into his arms. The sight sent Aaron into a frenzy, pushing his body into overdrive which activated his meta gene. Enraged, he moved towards them, not caring for his own life. Luckily, the bullets bounced off his skin. He tore the men apart and ended up throwing Red Hood through a wall. As the police were showing up, his friends forced Aaron out of the club, leaving their friend there with the others who died. After a year, Aaron would become more focused on bettering himself for Mya, putting focus into school. During his sophomore year in high-school, Maximum Zero would approach him in the cafeteria and invite him to the Injustice Teens. Aaron attempted to push Zero away but was caught off guard when he felt his hand was caught and slowly crushed. After being Offered a real chance at redemption and protecting others, Aaron joined and took the name Heavy Weight.
Personality: Strong, confident, and determined, Aaron Jones can come off as a particularly strong character in terms of his personality. Although he can seem light-hearted, having a fair sense of humor, he can often become aggressive and even vengeful when having been done wrong to. This may lead to a self-righteous attitude which can prove very difficult to rationalize with. He may also come off as gullible, due to his seemingly simple principles and mindset, and is protective of his values.
Bad habit of pushing limits and straining body.
Attends Oakcrest High School
Was attacked by a rabid dog when younger but beat it to death
Favorite drink is Sprite
Can lift close to 8 tons
Wants to be a Kinesiologist
Enjoys wrestling
Goes to Gotham every few months to beat down criminals
Has Mya’s name tattooed on his forearm
Lost his virginity to Atelay
Was nearly killed by Stereo while trying to kill him and an injured Frost Teen
Often works out with Maximum Zero and Crocodile Boy