
Character Name: Elijah “Keel” Boltoun
Nicknames/Alias: Haren, Haren the Sand King, Sandman
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: November 6th, 1996
Date of Joining: March 29th, 2010
Place of Birth: Savannah, Georgia
Residence: Mobile
Ethnicity: Black
Race: Meta-Human
Height: 6’0
Weight: 167 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Hazel
Languages: English
See Powers and Abilities:
Role in Justice Teens: N/A
Relatives: Amanda Everson(Mother), Jeremiah Boltoun(Father), Cameron Everson(Brother)
Relationships: Kid Blurr, Star Lad, Terra Byte, Frost Teen, Dog Boy, Peyton Cross, Ada Shepard, Snowblitz, Patricia Nightly, Maximum Zero, Fire Teen, Exo Tornado, Sparky Arrow, Vibra, Sword Peirce, Ice Tile, Clay, Mirror, Spheroid, Carbine, Bomb Shelter, Alchem, Charm, Woodland
Education: High School
Background: Elijah Boltoun was raised in a single-parent household with his younger brother Cameron. For the longest time, Elijah tried to keep his brother safe while his mother struggled to support them, causing Elijah to go into selling drugs at a young age to keep food on the table. Around 2007, Haren was jumped by close friends and put in the ER where he would be questioned by police. Angered and saddened by their betrayal, Elijah’s snuck out of the hospital one night, finding his friends at their usual spot on Tybee Island. Unknown to any of them, his meta-gene had activated the night of the assault, giving him control over sand. However, due to having no training with these powers, Elijah would go and accidentally murder all four of them in public. Horrified and scared, he was hunted for throughout the week by the police and an unknown task force that was later revealed to be Elizabeth Right’s men. Feeling the law close in on him, a friend of his father would find Elijah and bring him to his father, a small-time supervillain known as The Sand King. For the next two years, Elijah, now going by Haren, learned how to use his powers, helping his dad and their team extort, hurt, and traffic drugs and humans up the coast. He had multiple encounters with several Justice Teens. In early-2010, Haren’s dad was caught by Kid Blurr and Fire Teen, leaving him alone again. Surprisingly, instead of arresting him, Blurr offered Haren a place in the league due to the war between the Justice Teens and Injustice Teens, believing someone like him would be a great asset against them. Begrudgingly, Haren took his offer, knowing it was either this, prison.
Personality: Haren is seen as rude and standoffish towards those he meets, but that is because he expects them to be dead the next time he sees them, either by his hand or through other means. He prefers to be alone but when placed with others, does not usually follow orders. He views compassion in battle as a weakness but isn’t against showing it toward the civilians caught in the crossfire. Underneath his coarse exterior is a young man, tired of his past crimes haunting him, who just wants to be free and go home to his mama and brother.
Light skin
Membership in the league is secret to the public
Patricia Nightly promised to clear his name if he served with the J.T for five years
Is unwelcomed by many of the straight forwarded members of the team
The super-villain community knows of his switch
Every time he visits his father in jail, Jeremiah tries to get the league’s secrets
High KDR in Call of Duty multiplayer
Still has connections with the criminal underworld
Though he has a room on Frontier, he rarely sleeps there
Has openly stated that Clay could kill the Justice Teens if Zero let him off his leash
Helps the Injustice Teen members Sword Peirce and Charm when they ask
Doesn’t care much for Maximum Zero’s ideals
Character Summary:
While there are several members of the J.T with a checkered past, none quite match that of Haren. Trained by the worst, to use his powers in the worst ways, Haren’s hardened heart and cruel demeanor create a divide, not only between him and his new friends, but between what he was meant to be and who he was born to be.