gun metal
Character Name: Alicia Afia
Nicknames/Alias: Gun Metal
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 8/14/95
Date of Joining: ???
Place of Birth: Accra, Ghana
Residence: ???
Ethnicity: Black
Race: Biomechanical metahuman
Height: 5’9
Weight: ???
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Fluorescent Blue
Languages: English, Spanish, French, Akan, Ewe, Xhosa, Arabic, Japanese
Adept at many forms of Martial Arts (including Krav Maga, Judo, Mui Tai and Jujitsu)
Technokinesis: As a metahuman, Gun Metal has the ability to control most advanced technology with her mind. This also allows her to control the nanites within her body.
Superhuman Strength: Gun Metal’s increased muscle and bone density (due to enhancements from her nanites) also grants her greater strength than the average human (and in some cases, few extraterrestrials).
Superhuman Durability: The density of her bones, skin, and flesh has been increased by the nanites in her bloodstream.
Energy Resistance
Superhuman Stamina
Superhuman Sensory Array: Due to her nanites enhancing her body in various ways, Alicia’s five senses were increased to superhuman levels.
Enhanced Hearing
Enhanced Vision
Tracking/Homing Systems
Physiological/Medical Scanners
Jump Jets: Gun Metal’s Jump Jets provide her the ability to super-jump over large distances and quickly propel herself into any direction when in mid-air. This also plays heavily into her fighting style.
Flight: An addition to her jumping capability enables self propelled motion.
Superhuman Speed
Computer Interfacing
Cyberspace Immersion: Gun Metal can download her consciousness into cyberspace, or as he calls it, "digiverse"
Shape-Shifting: She can utilize the sub-dermal nanites within her body and use them to make various constructs including Power Armor, robotic animals, Vehicles, gadgets, and various weapons.
Power Armor Mode: Gun Metal’s nanites can exit her body through her pores and shape around her body to form a high-tech suit of armor
Shape-Shifting: Gun Metal’s Power Armor can shapeshift in various ways, even allowing her to access a robotic beast mode.
Robo-Beast Mode: this mode allows her to transform into a robotic and metallic version of any animal (real or mythical) that she chooses.
Technorganic Restoration: Gun Metal nanites showcase self-regenerative capabilities that not only allow her technological parts able to reintegrate after destruction but also replace any lost or severed limbs she may have.
Vulnerability to High-frequency EMPs: a high-frequency EMP is powerful enough to interfere with her connection with both her nanites and any technology she may be controlling at the time. This, in turn, would leave her as vulnerable as a normal human for roughly 3 minutes.
Role in Injustice Teens: ??? (Offense?)
Relatives: ???
Relationships: Black Omega (Regular Contractor); Maelstrom (New Leader); Black Ghost (former student)
Education: She possesses an "exceptionally gifted" level of intelligence; her IQ has been measured at 160.
Background: After losing her family to a terrorist attack perpetrated by Maelstrom in Accra, Ghana, Alicia Afia then joined rival organization Black Omega and was inducted into their Metahuman Activation and Research Program. As a result, her metagene was activated and she developed her abilities under the codename Gun Metal. She began training with Black Omega to be used as their weapon until she would be tasked by the organization with training their newest collection of metahuman super soldiers. Among these soldiers would include Marcus and Harold Duncan: the individuals that would eventually become Black Ghost and Crosshairs. Upon the completion of their training, however, Gun Metal was then gifted with funding numerous soldiers in order for her to strategically attack and over take Maelstrom. It was at this point that she revealed the truth to Ghost about his past and use this information to catch Ghost off-guard and attempt to kill him. However, this tactic would ultimately fail and Marcus would escape. She would then go on to kill all of the higher-ups at Maelstrom and seize both their strongholds and their various technologies- taking over the remainder of the organization. Gun Metal was then approached by members of the Injustice Teens, (insert ITs here), to become a potential asset for their organization to use should the need ever arise.
Personality: Strategic, Calculating, Witty/Sarcastic.
Worked for Black Omega
Trained Black Ghost