galen pillar

Character Name: Galen Pillar
Nickname / Alias: Subject 2932, Ladies Man
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: September 18, 1996
Date of Joining: March 29th, 2010
Place of Birth: Barcelona, Spain
Residence: Mobile
Race: Spanish
Height: 6'0
Weight: 165 lbs.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Languages: Spanish and English
Powers: Geokinesis
Role in Injustice Teens: Recruiter
Relatives: Oliverio Pillar(father), Aleta(mother)
Relationships: Elizabeth Right, Suitra, Trubie, Impulse, Clay, Ice Tile, Input, Danni Ash, Maximum Zero, Txt, Sky Course, Sin, KellyKa
Education: High School
Background: Galen Pillar was born in the beautiful city of Barcelona, one he continues to visit to this day. Being born a Meta-Human, his powers activated as one of the thousands of Metas from the 2005 Explosion's radiation. Keeping his powers secret, he would mainly use it to create small trinkets for the girls around his home. At some point, one of Elizabeth Right's hunters would find a trinket and easily deduce its' origin as Meta. In 2008, Right would capture Pillar and send him to West Africa where he would be tortured and experimented on. After he was able to enlarge his constructions, Right used Pillar as a Hunter to capture other Metas. He acted as a Hunter until early 2010, when Ice Tile and Suitra staged an assault on the director of West Africa's facility and he joined the Injustice Teens.
Personality: Nobody else represents the saying "I'm a Lover, not a Fighter", more than Galen Pillar. A lady’s man, through-and-through, Galen is not one to easily step on the battlefield. His specialty is making elaborate structures with earth and uses it mainly to get women. When he's not trying to be "Mr. Steal Yo Girl", he is trying to recruit Metas behind Zero's cause. In those rare occurrences when he is fighting, he is said to be timid and silent, focusing on ways to literally trap and crush his enemies. He's also oddly superstitious towards Mexican folklore, the Chupacabra.
Usually able to charm women and gain trust of men
Replaces Spanish words for English ones when angered
Favorite song is Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson
Owns a French Bulldog
Dislikes self-righteous heroes
Cheats on different girls
Tribal tattoos on his arms
Tech smart
Has almost 30k followers on Instagram
Afraid of the Chupacabra
Has a positive reputation with the Justice Teens
Runs an online travel blog with Input
Hits on Maxima Zero and KellyKa
Wants to help Zero achieve his goal of Meta-Human Dominance