Cameron Ramsey
Cameron Ramsey was the daughter of Jack Ramsey, a known enemy of the Justice Teens. After the death of her father hit the news, she became stricken with grief and rage. Using her own knowledge of engineering, she took revenge against the Justice Teens instead of trying to attack Europe.
Her entire career was based on stealing more tech to help build super weapons for Super-villains and herself. Once she'd gained enough resources, she would strike on the Justice Teens with her armada of multi-functional killer machines. She would mostly intrude on Atlantean grounds and battle with Water Shock in hopes of obtaining his warship, Leviathan. Though not as mentally disturbed as her father, she's been diagnosed to be "too far gone" to save from her obsession with destroying the Justice Teens.
Elizabeth Right
Elizabeth Right is an elderly blonde woman who used to work for the United States Government. At a time, Elizabeth Right belonged to the same organization that Patrica Nightly does, but after 15 years of service, quit. During that time, Right hired a secret military group known as A-Game. With the help of A-Game, Right was able to kidnap multiple Meta-Human children all over the world and keep them in specialized facilities world-wide. When her handler caught wind of her operation, Right disappeared, and without her payment, so did A-Game.
In 2009, Morning Sparrow and Kid Blurr were taken to a Meta-Human research camp. The camp belonged to Elizabeth Right, who was keeping close to 50 meta-humans captive. During a breakout attempt, Morning Sparrow saved a girl who had been captured by Right and got her to the courtyard. As Right’s men had Blurr and Sparrow up against a wall, the Justice Teens arrived to save them. During the battle, Morning Sparrow dropped Elizabeth Right in a vat of unknown chemicals. How she returned is unknown but it's been confirmed by multiple sources, she is back to her old tricks.
A bright S.T.A.R Labs Geneticist, Dimitiros Johnson had hoped to understand many of life's problems through the Human genome. Unfortunately, one of the biggest problems he saw was the Meta-Genes that were activating in the 2005 Explosion. After an incident in a lab explosion, Dimitrios was given the ability to absorb the powers of Meta-Human and turn it into strength.
After his escape from S.T.A.R Labs in 2009, Dimitiros had two run-ins with the Justice Teens of America. During both times he tapped into the Speed Force via Kid Blurr. After being defeated, his physical form was altered and his powers evolved. Now Dimitiros is free once again but more powerful and after more than the end of all Meta-Humans. Now, he's after the Speed Force.
Jack Ramsey
Jack Ramsey, real name unknown, is an X-German mechanistic who had a knack for reading. That knack brought him to owning the infamous book Mein Kampf written by Adolf Hitler. Picking up a sick sense of nationalism, Ramsey began to believe that the Nazis would have won due to their superior tech. Seeing himself as the next generation to continue to march, Ramsey tried to get a small group of professionals to follow however a Nazi was the last thing Germany needed running around in modern times. Feeling shunned by his country, Jack used his skills to build androids to terrorize Europe and have them blame the Americans due to the fact these androids shared a similar look to Amazo until stopped by Impulse and his team of Justice Teens.
After a couple of brief encounters with the Justice Teens, Jack adapted his machines to match the Justice Teens in all forms of combat. Jack met gruesome end in 2011 after a battle with Jewish member of the Justice Teens, Ezyiet.
The Injustice Teens
Lead by Maximum Zero, the Injustice Teens are the opposite of Kid Blurr and his Justice Teens. The team was created in 2009 after Zero brought together Lowben, Sword Pierce, Ice Tile, and Killer Magic now known as Atelay. The five announced the groups creation by live streaming them killing Justice Teen member, Mockingbirdx to the J.T base, Water Front. After the incident, the Injustice Teens based themselves in Transit, an old Brainiac warship that Zero had taken after freeing himself from Brainiac's control. They begun recruiting other teenagers with extraordinary abilities and skills until they were a match for the Justice Teens. Soon, Zero's had claimed himself to be a Meta Revolutionary and acted as their self claimed Leader. This caused him to attack Anti-Meta opinions and groups worldwide. The first biggest confrontation took place in 2010 after Zero staged an all-out assault on the Justice Teens to locate and get his hands on the Orb.
Now, the Injustice Teens deal mostly with threats to Meta-Humanity or their own act of terrorism against Humanity. They are still enemies with the Justice Teens however they are known to form alliances for the betterment of all.
Timithy Walsh
Known for her sniping skills, Timithy Walsh's first attempt on the J.T was back in 2007 after an attack on their apartment in Metropolis. After that she wouldn't come into contact with the Justice Teens for another 3 years.
Timithy Walsh wouldn't allow herself to be caught in hand to hand combat. She's a world famous sniper, meaning her strength comes from a distance. She's also known for explosives as in the 2007 assault on the Justice Teens. Though normally a Justice Teen foe, she is more known for squaring off with Injustice Teen member Pinpoint X after a deadly battle between him, her, and the World's Deadliest Assassin, Deadshot.
Mr. Death
Mr. Death, or the Grim Reaper as he wants you to believe, is a supernatural force of nature. As his name concludes, it's death. While he's been around for a very long time, Mr. Death came into contact with the Justice Teens after Heavens Archer retrieved a lost soul from a comatose victim. Wanting to take the soul as he quickly believed the woman was lost, Mr. Death engaged the Justice Teen without warning. It was proven rather quickly that Mr. Death was beyond any foe the Justice Teens would usually face. When it was discovered Heavens Archer and Hells Archer's divine properties allowed them to harm Mr. Death, he was destroyed.
After his initial incursion with the Justice Teens, Mr. Death had became a reoccurring enemy. His actual reasons are unknown as well as how far his actual powers range, but he has shown to like playing games with them, usually by stealing the souls of people close to members of the J.T and sending them through rigorous trials to save them. The fact that he can't die and his command over the dead, puts Mr. Death in the Top 5 list deadliest beings the Justice Teens have ever battled.
From Argentina, Titan is a Meta-Human with the increased size and strength. It's unknown when and how he became a mercenary, but he's been a problem for the Justice Teens for a long time. Their first encounter was in 2007, during a prison riot in Belle Reve, and ever sense then, the league and him have battled. Taking jobs as a hired gun, Titan is known to go head-to-head with many members individually, proving himself to be a true force to reckon with.
Nicolas Schmidt (Military Alias: Ram)
Powers/Abilities: Military trained, gun expert, owns his own arsenal and has a group of soldiers who are still willing to do as he commands. Has diplomatic immunity for having served as a respected (but corrupt) pastor condemning him from being dismissed from military service
Weakness: Still human.
Motivation: Dislikes anything supernatural or meta, he is a high prestige military commander backed by the U.S. military and served as a pastor in his youth. Disgusted with the heroes who believe to be divine powered or the heroes who have the meta gene to be children of the devil masked by social tolerance. His prestige gives the upper hand in avoiding any run-ins with the government allowing him to in most cases harm other heroes deliberately, convincing the government that it has to be done to keep them in place, while asserting the human capabilities.
Occupation: Prestigious Military Commander
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Richard Gains
Richard Gains was born as the heir to a high class banking family. With such a high seat in the social ladder, Gains would become connected with the good and bad side of wealth. It was around 2010 when the Justice Teens would meet Richard Gains through Tech Break. Loving the idea of being a hero, and possibly seeing the long time benefits, Richard would join the Justice Teens as their benefactor. It wasn't long after that he would meet Maximum Zero and do the same thing with the Injustice Teens. As their relationship went on, Gains began plotting to bring down both teams and get access to their powers and resources.
In 2011, both Gains and a friend named Marcus would disappear only for Marcus to return as an unstoppable killing machine. When it was discovered what Gains was up to, both teams came after him, only to lose him. In 2013, Gains was believed the be killed by Pinpoint X and Curve during a raid of Elizabeth Right's base, however no body was discovered after cleanup later took place, leaving the Justice Teens to wonder if their old friend still walks among them, and is plotting his final move. Richard is both methodical and dangerous as he plays with both teams as pawns while using his wealth and connections to use science against the Justice Teens.
Creed is a Lation with a taste that can only be compared to an old American Western. Though an enemy of the Justice Teens Galactic, Creed is still a threat to the Universe and one of the most wanted by the Green Lantern Corps. Two revolver type weapons and an energized tomahawk can be found on his person. The Lation people themselves are known for being extremely fast and strong.
Creed was first met after destroying planets on the Haligan. After its destruction by Green Lantern Steven Mitchel, Creed went into hiding. As he created destruction throughout the Galaxy, the J.T.G kept on him. At some point in 2013, Creed became leader of the Grey Lanterns and met his fate in the Final Battle.
Gray Lanterns
Not much is known about the Gray Lanterns. It can be believed that they've been around for a few months but beyond their structure, the purpose for this depressive group is all to obvious. The Grays were created to act as an anti-Spectrum Corps that only answered to their creator.
A Gray Lantern is chosen on a belief that all hope is lost. That no matter how hard someone fights that the outcome will only be the worse. These people have been broken down to the point they can see the belief of their master. The Grays were believed destroyed in the Final Battle, however sightings throughout the Universe come to the conclusion that the Rings are on the move and the fact we don't know where the Power Battery is means there's a threat that one day they could return.
"A-Game, says it was a special task force made after 9/11, lead by Commander Dan Stall. After an incident with a town of innocent civilians, all information on them disappeared. Dan Stall was killed later by his second in command a year later, and A-Game was disbanded. In 2006, the survivors of the T.F were put on the Terror List, a list of terrorist names, and were never physically seen again. Reports from people around the world show a group of men and women wearing a symbol similar to the A-Game, a skull with an A on the forehead.
Coming into the scene in 2008 after the Zero Incident, A-Game has had a rocky relationship with the J.T. It was after the death of Kid Rager that A-Game had become their number one enemy.
A-Game's mercs are geared with next-generation equipment and training to face the basis of the threat of targets; Human, Meta, and Magic. Though motivated by money, many members of A-Game have their own creed which allows them to put off a job. The most infamous member is Yahnni, a young captain was placed in charge of all anti-Justice Teen assignments. Yahnni has since created relationships with the multiple members of the team. The group was routed out and exterminated by Maximum Zero and his Injustice Teens after they aided a Regulater attack Ada Shepard's school in 2012 and ended up killing many of the students. Yahnni was one of the few A-Gamers to help Zero in his hunt as he is strongly against killing children. Yahnni took control of the group in 2013.
Jacob Strange is a dictator from another dimension of Earth. He came in the middle of 2008 with a warning that the ultimate threat was on its way and only his creation could stop it. Thanks to the Justice Teens that ultimate threat was revealed to be his creation. He used his machines to attack Metropolis, but was defeated when his clone developed a free will of its own and betrayed him. Jacob was able to escape back to his world without much of a scratch.
When his creation was spotted in Metropolis a year later, Jacob sent an army of clones after him and the Justice Teens. Together, they were able to beat them but Jacob had two last cards up his sleeves. Two clones, a boy and a girl, who went under a similar process that the first went under, were sent to attack the Teens. The girl was not much of a threat, easily taking out 25% percent of the Teens but later taking out by the first clone. The third clone however proved to be the most powerful of the three, taking out the entire league just as the first had the year before. Even the first cone was unable to beat him. When the first clone and the Justice Teens fought the two clones at a volcano in the Pacific, they successfully defeated the girl and killed the boy. When the word reached Jacob, he became angered and normally sends clones of certain people to their dimension, even though each outcome was the same; Failure.
The Ilb'ian is a Terrorist group lead by Achshbar Muslif, father of the Meta-Human Speedster who met his end at the hands of Kid Blurr during Brainiac's invasion in 2007. Finding no peace, Achshbar hunted Blurr and the Justice Teens until they ambushed the group in a mall, seriously injuring Kid Rager. The Justice Teens later attacked the Ilb'ian at their base in the Middle East, and destroyed the cave, believing that was the last of them. Unknown to the Justice Teens, Ilb'ian cells were stationed throughout the Western hemisphere. The next time the group would fight the Justice Teens would be during an investigation in 2009 which lead to the Justice Teens focusing on the terrorist group up until the birth of the Injustice Teens.
The Ilb'ian's main source of income is in the weapons trade. The money made would be used in training the current soldiers, buying pieces to make more weapons, and other nefarious uses. While the group's main goals are shrouded in mystery, Achshbar Muslif dedicates whatever resources can be spared into killing Kid Blurr and murdering the Justice Teens like he did his son.
They are an Anti-Meta group lead by Paine. They come in all types, soldiers, and civilians. They first appeared in 2011 but only as an internet hate group, but soon became a physical threat. Trained in ways to take down most Meta-Humans, the Regulaters come equipped with the usual stun batons and the other essentials military forces carry, they can usually be expected to deal with the Meta situations normal law enforcement cannot.
The Regulaters end came soon after their leader Paine had staged an assault against Ada Shepard's school in Australia. The incident had put them on Maximum Zero's radar and hit list. In about two months, the Injustice Teens had hunted down most of the Regulater's bases and important backers and eliminated them while the Justice Teens defended the Metas on the streets. With Paine missing and their forces weakened, the Regulaters went underground, taking a facade as a gang to continue their terrorism.
Powers/abilities: Temperature absorption, ability to switch between cryo/pyrokenetics and the ability to withstand drastic temperatures and damage due to metagene.
Weakness: Weak against lightning and Earth like abilities.
Motivated by anger and discomfort in his metagene he began to create chaos believing it would drown out his angst with himself and the world around him. His powers were given to him by a rare meta gene that his family rejected to accept him for and the other teens shut him out for having believing he thought he was too good to be with average students. He grew angry with everyone's misunderstanding and destroyed his home and ran off to intimidate others for mere revenge and disappointment in both himself and the world.
Occupation: None he's consistently avoiding the law for his crimes while keeping his head low in the slums, living off of pickpocketing.
Paine is the leader of the Regulaters, an Anti-Meta task force. He first appeared in 2012, after Meta-Humans started coming out into the public eye. Not much is known about Paine's life before leading the Regulaters, only that he somehow has a connection to Krypt. Other than that, Paine's an enigma. His hate for Meta-Humans often leads to violent protest against them, which brings him into the view of powerful political fighters of Meta-Humanity, mainly Kid Blurr and Maximum Zero. He is able to excite a crowd and turn others views towards his own. He was able to turn some Human members of the Justice Teens on each other, only cementing truth that his words carry more weight than hoped. His leadership skills are tested in the heat of battle, being able to lead a team of five against a Alpha level Meta-Human.
While his political side is dangerous, he is able to match his skill to the same level. Paine is a Human with incredible agility and training in CQC and strategy. Paine's capable of holding his own against the likes of Blurr, Zero, and Tech with nothing more than a hand gun. Though he's unable to defeat every Meta, he can easily outlast them until Regulaters come to his aid.
Paine went missing after the Meta Riot events. Sources say they saw a couple of individuals who looked like Krypt, Bleed Out, Lowben, and Sillk converge on Paine after a battle between him and Shadow Albatros.
Massacre was not born as one of the most vicious killing machines the Justice Teens would face. Once upon a time, he was Marcus, a young man who was friends with Tech Break and Richard Gains. However around the year 2012, Marcus had went missing. Using his abilities, Tech Break tracked Marcus to an underground bunker where he found that he was horrible experimented on; mutilated and implanted with nano-machines which would regenerate any tissue loss. The result was an unkillable weapon with no control. The resulting find lead to a small battle in Brazil between the Justice and Injustice Teens against what was once Massacre. The battle was hard and brutal, but Massacre was was defeated. Unknown if he'd return, Massacre's body would be released into space. It would later be discovered that Richard was the one who did it to him.
Professor Thompkins
Originally a S.T.A.R Labs cloning specialist, Owen Thompkins' was often used to focus on animals and other Non-Human beings. However, after being approached by Lex Luthor to clone a number of Meta-Humans, Thompkins had begun illegally cloning individuals without their knowing. After a clone of a psychopath with the powers of Superman escaped, the Justice Teens were the ones to respond and turn him in. He stayed in prison for a few months, rage eating away at him, until one day he realized the beauty of the Justice Teens and their allies. The Justice Teens would become the next generation, and if he was unable to beat today's, he'll just create the next.
Thompkins has been credited with cloning a multitude of J.T and I.Ts, however most either do not posses their wide range of abilities, or simply do not last more than a few days. He's been able to clone individuals such as Kid Blurr and Maximum Zero, however it is a rarity that these clones would be capable of causing any high damage within either group, and are instead used as weapons. As of now, he works to create the perfect clone, but if not, he'll settle with an army.