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exo tornado

Character Name: Exo Tornado

Nicknames/Alias: Sebastian, Red Tornado, Whirlwind

Gender: N/A

Date of Birth: October 12th, 2009

Date of Joining: October 16th, 2009

Place of Birth: Atlanta, Georgia

Residence: Sky Front

Ethnicity: N/A

Race: Android

Height: 6’0

Weight: 200 lbs

Hair Color: N/A

Eye Color: White


Languages: English

Powers/Abilities: Wind Generation

See Powers and Abilities

Role in Justice Teens: Support


Relatives: T.O. Morrow(Creator/Father), Red Tornado(Brother)


Relationships: Renol, Psi Lad, Maximus Zero, Kid Blurr, Sparky Arrow, C.H.A.D, Hells Archer, Stereo, Tech Break, Scarab


Education: N/A


Important Life Events: Being recovered and activated by the Justice Teens before T.O Morrow could, Meeting Renol, Being at the first battle of Injustice Teens, Meeting Red Tornado, Battle for the Orb, Being dismantled, Meeting Scarab, Being hacked by Saelis and used to attack Sky Front, Death of Kid Blurr, Helping Star Lad fight off Yellow Lanterns, Battling Massacre Falling during the final battle


Background: Exo Tornado was a model created and unreleased by T.O Morrow for battle. During a raid on one of Morrow’s bases, the Justice Teens managed to recover his body after it failed to activate. Renol brought him back to Sky Front and managed to bring the android online and give it purpose as Exo Tornado.


Personality: Exo is a calm, cool headed machine. Though given freedom, Exo usually feels he’s best suited mainly for missions. When out in the open world he’ll use a dummy body he calls “Sebastian” to hang with the other Justice Teens and learn what life is. He is fully aware of his own mortality and that he and Humans are not the same, however he chooses to protect them because they protected him.


Death: Was destroyed by Cypher in the final battle



Though a machine, his voice comes off as more masculine

Only allows Renol to work on him extensively

Has battled many J.T villains on his own

Has a dummy android body named Sebastian

Lucky number is 3

Has an off switch located underneath a plate in the back of his head

Can lift four tons

Stores a backup copy of himself on Sky Front

Explores his powers and abilities

Does not like C.H.A.D

Is chased around Sky Front by Psi Lad with a magnet

Usually works with Scarab


Appearance: Exo Tornado is a gray colored android with small Human features such as a nose, lips, ears, and brow. His body is sectioned to resemble a costume, even having fabrics over it to better hide his robotic origins. His torso is a light blue material with a metal armor that runs from his neck, widens on his pectoral muscles, and slims down his stomach. This metal continues down to his lower half, black colored, and moves between his legs, going back up the spin and stopping at the neck. There are metal coverings on his shoulders and bracers. On the outer thighs is another pad that runs down to his knees. His boots are essentially made of this same metal, with gold plates on the bottoms. The metal is separated from the suit by a gold colored cloth. On his back is a blue cape that connects to the shoulders and stops at the calf muscles. The cape’s edges are made up of the same gold cloth.

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