Steven Mitchells

Character Name: Steven Mitchells
Nicknames/Alias: Lantern Steven, Green Lantern, Donut Boy
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: March 14th, 1995
Date of Joining: December 25th, 2007
Place of Birth: Tampa, Florida
Residence: Oa
Ethnicity: American
Race: Human
Height: 5'9
Weight: 160 lbs
Hair Color: Brunette
Eye Color: Blue
Languages: All recorded languages throughout the universe
Powers/Abilities: Green Lantern
See Powers and Abilities
Role in Justice Teens: Mentor
Relatives: Mia Mitchells(Mother), Zed Mitchells(Father)
Relationships: Kid Blurr, Tesla Effect, Ky Santanna, Kid Rager, Peyton Cross, Stereo, Psi Lad, Column, Hells Archer, Wonder Teen, Star Lad, Dolby, Doa'Quenal, Krell Urax, Pullox, Conner, Caren, Vas, Votrieh, Sentry 12, UT, Kellion Urax
Education: College Graduate
Important Life Events: Finding his lantern ring in a cereal box, Meeting the Justice Teens in Florida, Helping the Justice Teens defeat Brainiac in Las Vegas, Joining the Justice Teens of America, Going to another dimension with Blurr, Meeting and teaching Peyton Cross, Losing Kid Rager to A-Game, Becoming a Green Lantern Honour Guard, Fighting Red Lantern Gut, Opening a Black Hole over Oa, Finding Doa'Quenal's unconcious body on her dying planet, Chasing an ancient pirate ship across the galaxy, Creating the Justice Teens Galactic, Helping with the Blackest Night Event, Training new teen Green Lanterns on Oa, Returning to Earth after Blurr's death
Background: Steven, aka Donut Boy, was inducted into the Green Lanterns soon after Lantern stopped Brainiac. Staying mainly in his home state of Florida, he met the Justice Teens during their investigation of him in 2007. It was during this time that he was kicked out of his parents house for his laziness. He would join the Justice Teens of America after defeating Brainiac at the end of the year.
Personality: His charisma, charm, and overall good personality lead him to become the happiest member of the league, but also one of the most creative of the Corps. He served as the soul of the league after Night Sif's death, keeping everyone together and teaching Blurr how to lead. It was after Rager's death that he felt he was most needed by the league, however he needed to protect the spectral system as well. Before leaving, Donut Boy brought in fellow Green Lantern, Peyton Cross, to replace him, knowing that Peyton's ring had a special ability to give off Will. With knowing the team would be safe, Donut Boy and Lantern left to help in the war. Years later, Donut Boy would become the emissary and founder of the new team, Justice Teens Galactic, learning and respecting other cultures to save them in the end.
Quit League: Donut Boy left the league soon after Rager died to respond to a call to war half way across the universe, but really did it to get away from Blurr's increasing rage, hoping to keep Red Lanterns away from him.
Trivia: Second teenage Green Lantern in the universe to be inducted
Highly intelligent
Kicked out his parents house
Born leader
Powerful and Imaginative
Uses random constructs rather than a specific type
Second in Command of Justice Teens Galactic
Teaches heroes the meaning of being a leader
Green Lantern Honor Guard
Works as an artist while on Earth
Advisor to Kid Blurr
Looks up to Lantern
Second in command of Justice Teens Galactic