
Character Name: Aiden Dobson
Nicknames/Alias: Dobson
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: January 13th, 1997
Date of Joining: January 13th, 2010
Place of Birth: Portland, Oregon
Residence: Transit
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Race: Meta-Human
Height: 5’10
Weight: 140 Ibs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Languages: English
Powers/Abilities: Architecture Control
Role in Justice Teens: Base Builder
Relatives: Marco Jenner(Father)
Relationships: Maximum Zero, Sword Peirce, John Stewart, Baddle, Top Gun, Widget, Renol, The Professor, Kid Blurr, Coating, Mirror, Luna Ember, Big Buddah, Reflect, Doorway, Frost Bat, Wikki
Education: Bachelor’s degree
Background: Aiden Dobson came from a one parent household, with a busy father. After discovering his talent for building things, Dobson grew with a passion, and curse, of drawing and designing buildings. It got to the point where he was unable to focus on his own work, barely passing schools with C's. It was around 2010 that Maximum Zero approached Dobson and revealed he was a Meta-Human with the ability to create and destroy almost any infrastructure he sees. Joining up with them, Dobson has helped the I.T cripple Sky Front, and many other buildings during his time with them.
Personality: Dobson is a strict worker for the Injustice Teens. His powers force him to focus on every little detail of a target and bring it down. Though not a fighter, he's known for building some of the Injustice Teen's most elaborate bases and knocking down some of the most elaborate buildings with a single drill.
Has a D.I.Y channel on YouTube
Can’t stand lazy people
Takes negative critique harshly
Is said to have a one-track mind
Many people still do not understand his power
Writes Fan-Fiction
Works in Doctor Kitten’s lab
Paints the nail on his ring finger blue
Was tested to have an I.Q of 159
Passed remaining grades in a short amount of time on Transit when he had no missions
Builds many bases for the I.T around the globe
Fiercely loyal to Maximum Zero
Swaps designs for megastructures with The Professor and Renol
Has a crush on Widget