
Character Name: Dexter Croche
Nicknames/Alias: Dex
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: May 22nd, 1997
Date of Joining: February 3rd, 2012
Place of Birth: Chicago, Illinois
Residence: Parent's apartment in Chicago
Ethnicity: Bosnian
Race: Human
Height: 5'7
Weight: 132 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Grey
Languages: English, Spanish, and Japanese
Powers/Abilities: Perception
See Powers and Abilities
Role in Justice Teens: Detective
Relatives: Sven Croche(Father), Miranda Corche(Step-Mother)
Relationships: Morning Sparrow, Maxima Zero, KellyKa, Kid Shift, Doc Sage, Tech Break, Dobson, Thugger, Prism, Arka, Psi Lad, Renol, David Blackwell, Kid Blurr, Young Fate, Maximum Zero
Education: High School
Important Life Events: Losing his mother to cancer, Seeing Kid Blurr and the Justice Teens on the news in 2007, Gaining a Step-Mother, Making friends with Aliayah Montgomery, Taking an interest in C.S.I, Taking C.S.I classes, Becoming a mini-detective in the city, Running across a J.T mission and becoming a Weekend Warrior, Fighting Thugger in a silo, Helped Maximum Zero find who was killing Meta and Human children, Getting into a relationship with Maxima Zero, Saving Prism from Regulaters, Joining Psi Lad and Renol on a trip to Christine Delphine's world, Teaming up with David Blackwell in Gotham to find and beat Bane, Beating Dobson in his own trap, Losing Maxima Zero, Not joining the Final Battle against Cypher
Background: Dexter Croche was born into a loving house-hold, and continued to be, even after his mother passed away. He met Aliaya Montgomery in middle school where the two would become best friends. During the time together, Aliaya would act as Dexter's bodyguard while he played detective in the dangerous parts of the city. After following clues, the two came across a raped and murdered old woman, who nobody had came to check on. The scene stuck with Dexter and Aliaya, and it was there that the two would dedicate themselves to helping the people of Chicago. It would be in 2012 when they both would come across the Justice Teen members, Kid Blurr and Shiriken and join.
Personality: Dex is the Justice Teen's most passive member. With no powers and no particular fighting skill, he uses his intelligence and stealth to beat an opponent. He is sweet and kind hearted, but not one to talk a lot and says little when he does. He knows when he needs to get to the point, and when to put the fear of Allah into someone. He's willing to fight his fear of dying every day by putting on the cloak and running into the streets of Chicago at night, trying to prove to himself that he's not just a passed over kid with loving parents; but that he's a Hero.
Raised in a loving household
High school student
Lives in Chicago
Takes C.S.I classes
High perception
Grey eyes
Conspiracy Theorist at heart
Partner to Morning Sparrow/ Aliayah
Advanced detective
Can't fight
Questions almost everything
Member of First Defense
News calls him the Man in the Blue Trench and often mistakes him for The Question
Minimal hand-to-hand experience
I.Q of 156
Weekend Warrior
Questions higher members motives
In a relationship with Maxima Zero
Best friend to Morning Sparrow
Questions Kelly's allegiance
Dex is a highly skilled detective, using his knowledge given to him by his C.S.I class in school and his incredible perception, Dex is one of the league's top inspectors. He usually works with his partner/bodyguard Morning Sparrow, on missing children cases and was brought into First Defense by Nightly around the same time as Morning Sparrow.