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Teen Eagle

Character Name: Niyol Kendrick 

Nicknames/Alias: Niyol Walker, Attayashi, Teen Eagle, Neal, Jared

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: August 29th, 1996

Date of Joining: March 11th, 2011

Place of Birth: Oklahoma Apache Reservation

Residence: Mobile

Ethnicity: Apache

Race: Homo Magi

Height: 6’2

Weight: 200 lbs

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Gray


Languages: Omnilinguistic

See Powers and Abilities

Role in Justice Teens: Woodland Monster Hunter


Relatives: ​John Kendrick(Father), Akoya “Mariah” Kendrick(Mother), Logan Walker(Uncle), Unknown Walker(Aunt)(Deceased)


Relationships: Somas, Friend, Theodore Xater, Atelay, Woodland, Alchem, Orbital Spirit, Star Lad, Stereo, Tesla Effect, Jack Vespucci, Maximum Zero, Clay, Dobson, Kid Blurr, Ghost Boy. Spirit Walker, John Wyatt, Young Hunter, Danni Ash, Gasious, Kid Shift, Wicked Electro


Education: N/A


Background: Niyol’s spent most of his youth within the Oklahoma Apache Reservation with his family. While his father’s family was well respected within the community, usually keeping peace within the reservation since their tribe first arrived, his mother’s family was viewed as “different”, often causing a sense of unease within the reservation due to their history of what the locals called unnatural magic. As a child of both families, Niyol was an oddity as he had to upkeep the Kendrick name while also keeping the wild nature of a Walker under control. In 2005, a bad fight happened between his mother and father, causing her to leave her family and the reservation behind. This caused Niyol to go hysterical and run off into the nearby woods where he would eventually get lost for a few days until his uncle Logan found him curled up in a blood-soaked field and claw marks covering his body. Logan brought Niyol back to his cabin and contacted his father the day after he found his son. During the 24 hours prior, however, Logan managed to get Niyol to open up on what happened. After being told of a blurred demon wolf that killed a bear that had hunted him a day after running away, Logan explained to him the story of the Blue Wolf. The Blue Wolf, was an ancient deity that defended the Apache for generations until many of them moved East, distancing themselves from the Wolf and the creatures that hunted them, but after they were forced back, their belief in the spirit was gone and so was its protection. Only those within the Walker family tree continued to praise their protector and thus became a protector of the tribe from spiritual threats, and that whatever attacked him in the forest was not a bear. For the next two years, Niyol would stay near his uncle more often, much to the dismay of his father. During this time, Logan would learn that Niyol’s connection to the spirit went much further than anyone in the last three generations which brought much fear to him; the Blue Wolf had chosen Niyol to be its new host. This revelation split the Walker family down the middle, with some wanting Niyol to embrace his gift and the others led by Logan arguing that he is too young and no threat warrants a new Attayashi. Unfortunately for Logan, he was wrong. On April 17th, 2008, a group of tourists was attacked and shredded apart in the forest nearby, prompting John and a few of his deputies to track what killed them. A group of Walkers had already started the hunt a few hours earlier. In the reservation, Niyol could feel the presence of something powerful within his area and, as if his free will had been pushed aside, snuck from his school and raced after it. When he found them, the creature had already killed a few deputies and Walkers and was battling the rest of them in the same open field where his uncle found him. A large black eagle that Natives called “Thunderbird”. When Niyol joined the battle, he was accompanied by the Blue Wolf, the two combining into one. His father and the other deputies watched in horror and amazement as the Walkers and Attayashi battled the legendary creature, their magic shaking the ground, uprooting trees, and breaking the fabric of their reality until they won. Attayashi gave the killing blow by turning into a large wolf and tearing the Thunderbird’s heart out. Once it was finally done, everyone was silent as the once 11-year-old Niyol appeared to them, lightning surging from his transformed body and the pelt of the Blue Wolf draped over him. Soon after, John covered the entire event up and things went back to normal, all except Niyol who left his old life to defend his people from the things that hunt them in the woods all across America with his uncle Logan and a few other Walkers. In 2011, while hunting a Skinwalker going by the name “Friend”, Niyol crossed paths with the Justice Teen, Theodore Xater. The two would attempt to hunt the creature only to be blocked off by Atelay and Woodland. After learning of his motives and the connection the skinwalker had with the Injustice Teens, Niyol accepts a partnership with the Justice Teens of America in hopes of ridding the evils that plague the world.


Personality: Born a Kendric and a Walker, Niyol’s spirit was often torn as a child. The Kendricks were respected as law and the Walkers were seen as wild. After becoming the Attayashi, the human host for the Blue Wolf’s power, he became a combination of both. As a Kendrick, he sacrificed a normal life with people he knew to protect the world as the hero known as Teen Eagle. As a Walker, he represents the forgotten ways that were nearly wiped out through colonization. He is strong-willed, independent, and well-reserved. His opinions are his own and would respect it if you kept yours the same way. He is not known for going to parties and social gatherings, but can always be relied on to show when he is needed.



After leaving the reservation, Niyol would go by Walker instead of Kendrick

Rarely goes into cities and can be found in small towns all across America

After eating the heart of the Thunderbird, he gained its abilities of lightning and flight

Favorite sport is frisbee

Enjoys fishing

Loves “Castle on the Hill” by Ed Sheeran

Declined joining the Knights of Sorcery

Sees the drastic differences between the Justice and Injustice Teens

Will only drink Water and Gatorade

Smokes cigarettes and weed

Is an avid writer

His aunt was killed by Cypher due to her being chosen to be the next Attayashi

Views people who shapeshift into animals without the blessing of nature as “unnatural”

Does not adhere to Kid Blurr’s orders of not killing Injustice Teens

Many Justice Teens do not know he exists nor that he’s a member of the team

Has an issue with John Wyatt

Views Spirit Walker as family and often calls her his little cousin

Has a strange connection to Orbital Spirit

Character Summary: Stalking the seemingly neverending wilderness of America, Teen Eagle hunts the beasts that have been left to roam and torment the living as they see fit.

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