Orbital Spirit

Character Name: Dakota Jackson
Nicknames/Alias: Orbital Spirit, OS
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: April 18th, 1998
Date of Joining: October 9th, 2012
Place of Birth: Montreal, Canada
Residence: Houston, Texas
Ethnicity: Mixed African-Canadian
Race: Human
Height: 5’7
Weight: 145 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Languages: American Sign Language
Powers/Abilities: Intangibility & Flight
Role in Justice Teens: Recon
Father: Cory Foster
Mother: Sasha Jackson
Maternal Grandpa: Victor Jackson (deceased)
Maternal Grandma: Latasha Jackson
Paternal Grandpa: Paul Foster
Relationships: Valentine, Luna Ember, Kid Shift, Frost Teen, Molly Thunder, Tobarious, Kid Blurr, Ritz Marshall, Lady Spectre, Bunker Buster, Mirror, Osprey, Elijah Morozov (The Soviet Spirit/Lamb), Othyus Wanamaker, Kaz, Benji Franklin, Jeremiah Wyatt, Martian Niro, Sparkles, Abyssina,
Education: Downtown Houston Public School
Important Live Events: Joining The Justice Teens, His Grandpa dying at his routine check ups, Saving a person for the first time
Background: In his early years Dakota was raised by his maternal grandparents due to his parents constantly working. His grandpa would tell him stories about a suit that could turn a normal person into an amazing hero. His grandpa would pass away in 2010 but not before giving him a box labeled “2011 Birthday”. He would then move to Houston with his parents, but things didn’t change as most of the time he’d be home alone. He’d make his only friend at school Jeremiah Wyatt, a wildcard type of kid who gave Dakota more enjoyment in life. They’d then make a YouTube channel where they would build things in the woods, or work on movie effects. On his 14th birthday, he’d open the box his grandpa gave to him which had his grandfather’s watch, things that looked like junk, a suit that he had described in his stories, and a card that read “...You too can be an amazing person”. He would then go on to show Jeremiah the suit, who had the idea of testing it and putting it on YouTube. In 2012, on one of the shootings for their next video, they heard a man screaming in the distance. They’d investigate and see a shadowy figure chasing the man. Dakota would spark into action and proceed to save him. They’d later go home and upload the video but it would immediately be taken down, Dakota then gets a message from an unknown user, the conversation would go back and forth, eventually leading to Dakota becoming a JT.
Personality: Dakota will come off likable to people who actually give him time to show off his personality, Due to his grandfather’s stories he knows what a hero is supposed to do but he is still learning how to become one himself, Some could call him the “comic relief” but he does have serious side
Death: June 2014
Dakota Jackson was born mute, so he is more animated in conversations
On one of his first outings OS accidentally phased someone’s finger off
Often listens to underground artists
loves cheesy sci-fi movies
When he was having the conversation with the unknown member he’d be sent on random missions by them
Favorite color is green
can understand a little French
Has a in-home gym
doesn’t play a lot of games but he does have a gamecube
Favorite game is Metal Gear
Was 5th chair in band
Youtube Channel was called JacksonWyatt3476 it had 45 followers, most viewers thought the suit testing was just CGI and FX
Dakota did get some hate from people on his videos calling him “a disgusting meta”
Teenage Super Powered Yoga Turtles is his favorite comic book