Hells archer

Character Name: David Alvarado
Nicknames/Alias: Ala, Hells Archer, Hells
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: March 23, 1995
Date of Joining: July 14, 2010
Place of Birth: Merritt Island, Florida
Residence: Mobile
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Race: Demon
Height: 5’7; Varies
Weight: 178 lbs; Varies
Hair Color: Black; Varies
Eye Color: Red; Varies
Languages: Omnilingual
See Powers/Abilities:
Role in Justice Teens: Infiltrator
Relatives: Mother(Deceased), Father(Deceased)
Relationships: Kid Blurr, Star Lad, Wonder Teen, Mockingbirdx, Renol, Sparky Arrow, Stereo, Heavens Archer, Maximus Zero, Maxima Zero, Arkeptu, Trubie, Donut Boy, Maximum Zero, Atelay, Psylash, Shiriken, Dog Boy, PaPa The Panda, Danni Ash, Theodore Xater, Carbine, Sin, Axe, Crocodile Boy, 52, Frost Teen, Tech Break, Gadget Break
Education: Unknown
Background: During Brainiac’s invasion of 2007 many heroes fought tooth and nail to protect Earth and those who lived there. Unfortunately for David, there was no one there to save him and his family when the cold, unliving machines tore his family apart. In death, his soul was quickly whisked away and brought directly to Satan himself, who gave him the chance to return to Earth, but as one of his countless minions. Afraid and hurt, David agreed and became one of the Centrillion Guard, one of Satan’s archers known for interfering with the land of the living. In 2010, Satan made his move against Arkeptu by kidnapping Maxima Zero and bringing her to his domain. Hells Archer used this opportunity approach to the J.T and offered to help the team, hoping to free his own soul in the process. The team managed to save Maxima and bring her home, afterwards, they made the hardest decision possible, at that time; recruiting a demon.
Personality: Hells Archer never had an easy time coping with his new role as a murderer for the King of Darkness and allowed himself to fall deeper and deeper into the despair that came with it. When he was freed and allowed to join the J.T, Hells finally found a sense of “normalcy” even if he was still viewed as a monster by some. As time went on his cold and brutal demeanor fell and a funnier, more relatable form of him came to the surface. In the many years he would come to serve, the J.T would become his family and he would give everything to make sure neither Satan nor any evil deity would use them the way he was.
Death: Died in the Final Battle
His demon name is Ala
Easily Angered
Has been “killed” multiple times over their tenure in the J.T
Died during the Brainiac attack
Is known to obscene amounts of cocaine
It took some time for the core members to fully trust them
Theodore Xater has made 4 attempts on permanently kill them
Plays Football, Basketball, and Lacrosse
Most memories as a Human were erased once their deal with Satan was made
Hangs out with friends, goes to the mall, and goes to the movies.
Had a short fling with Ravily
Sin knew that Satan gave Hells their power in hopes of having him kill Mr. Death in the Final Battle
Can often be found in the lounge of each base
Searched through Hell for Blurr’s soul when he was thought to have died in 2011
Finds Heavens Archer to be incredibly annoying, but soon grows to trust him
Close friends with Star Lad and Stereo
Best friends with Kid Blurr
Character Summary: Once a Human, Hells Archer became a member of the Justice Teens and a member of the Infiltrators. His start was tough as many members did not trust his demon origins but soon became one of their most recognized, beloved, and hardest-to-kill, members.