hawk teen

Character Name: Roh Atal
Nicknames/Alias: Hawk Teen, Birdie, Hawk Block
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: Unknown
Date of Joining: November 29th, 2010
Place of Birth: Thanagar
Residence: Sky Front
Ethnicity: Black
Race: Thanagarian
Height: 6’0
Weight: 200 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Hazel
Languages: Thanagarian and English
See Powers/Abilities:
Role in Justice Teens: Tactian
Relatives: Unknown
Relationships: BronzeCub, Star Lad, Water Shock, Dog Boy, Kid Blurr, Hells Archer, Prodigyy, Ice Brat, Frost Teen, Avac, Nova Pulsar, Arisha Carson, Maximum Zero, Ice Tile, Sword Peirce, Parasitix, Comet Kinetic Teen, Animal Morph, Baddle, Tech Break, Doc Sage
Education: Unknown
Background: The Thanagarian known as Roh claims to have been sucked through a wormhole with the other trainees he was with. However, during the trip, he was separated from his troop and thrown into Earth’s atmosphere where his body was picked up by Sky Front’s scanners. On the cusp of death, the J.T managed to save him and bring him back to health. Once Roh learned of where he was and who they were, followed by a brutal sparring match with Star Lad and Maxima Zero, the alien opted to stay with the team and help them in their battles, saying that the universe had heard of the threats born on Earth and knew there’d be no better place to protect and defend.
Personality: If there were two words that would describe Roh, they would have to be swift and brutal. Unlike other male Thanagarians seen before, Roh values a subtle approach, not wanting to attack until the time is right. Surprisingly wise for his age, Hawk Teen provides council to those who seek it, but most of his intellect has been dedicated to warfare, particularly the guerilla-style. When in combat, however, he is just as savage and vicious as you would expect, often wanting to prolong the fight if it means hurting his opponent even further.
Death: Died in a battle between Maximum Zero and Clay Dezmerak in 2011
During their time on Earth, they did not adopt a Human Identity
Wields an energy baton that is used to create a red hammer, shield, axe, spear, or mace construct
Could bench press close to 800 lbs
Has an affinity for playing the drums
Favorite place to eat is IHOP
Spars with Star Lad and Kid Blurr
Assisted the Infiltrators on two missions
Was known for maiming Injustice Teens when encountered in battle
Feared by the Injustice Teens
Can fly close to 400 mph
Has a surprisingly nice singing voice
Shared much of Thanagarian knowledge with Renol and Doc Sage
Has claimed Prodgyy’s people tried to claim Thanagar eons prior before being removed
Formed a brotherly bond with BronzeCub
Character Summary: Over the years, the Justice Teens have come across many extraterrestrial species on their adventures, but none had such an adverse effect on them like Hawk Teen did. His presence felt more like a mentor, his words gave guidance, his strength brought comfort. Even when he could be a bit aggressive, he knew how to control those emotions, a skill he would pass on to Kid Blurr and thus change the course of the Justice Teens as a whole.