
Character Name: Diego Herrera
Nicknames/Alias: Xamin, Paz
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: March 18, 1998
Date of Joining: November 28th, 2011
Place of Birth: Doral, Venezuela
Residence: Frontier
Ethnicity: Piaroa
Race: Human
Height: 5’8
Weight: 140 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Left Green; Right Hazel
Languages: Spanish, Piaroa, English
See Powers and Abilities:
Role in Justice Teens: Tactian
Relatives: Mario Herrera(Father), Sonia Herrera(Mother)
Relationships: The Professor, Doc Sage, Doctor Kitten, Renol, Kid Blurr, Tech Break, Star Lad, Sparky Arrow, Corredor, Mirror, Catipula, Ravily, Impulse, Maximum Zero, Test, Young Fate
Education: Private School
Background: Diego Herrera’s childhood was definitely extraordinary. At a young age, Diego was noticed by Highland Technology and Cognitive Studies, a very high-class S.T.E.M school where the world’s smartest youth would be brought in and taught to help lead the planet to a brighter future. Seeing it as the best thing for him, Deigo’s family enrolled him into the school, much to his dismay. By his sixth birthday, Diego was moved to America and placed within the Texas campus. There Diego would spend a most of his youth, attending conferences, panels, competing in competitions, and slaving his way to books. It would’ve all been unbearable until his second year where he met Kevin Proctor, a student a grade level above him. The two would work together on a multitude of projects, which also involved keeping Kevin from getting expelled from the school on several occasions due to his habit of sneaking out of his dorm at night, causing fights with other students, or just being a dick. Diego would note that the reason the school put up with Kevin for so long was because secretly he was their second smartest student, only rivaling Ronald Tetmore. For years, the two proved themselves time after time, until 2010 when Titus Sage would invite Kevin to join the Justice Teens. Though he declined, he would accept an advisory position, along with bringing Diego along as his assistant. In late 2011, after Kid Blurr returned, Diego was invited to join the Justice Teens as a full-time member to which he happily accepted.
Personality: Xamin is a quiet person, only speaking when his opinion is actually needed. Ironically, he’s not a shy person. He keeps his opinions to himself because he views most situations he comes across as simple and easy to understand without him, even though many times he’s proven wrong. He loves his position in the Justice Teens, or more so he loves the challenges that they give him. While at the school there was always a limit to how far the experiments could go, but on the field, he could truly push his limits. While “off the clock”, he’s often testing his own theories, usually sticking around some of the smarter members of the team.
Renol’s mother was one of Diego’s teachers
Double jointed in his shoulders
Keeps adderall in his pocket
Carries a pocketknife
Helped Kid Blurr design both lethal and non-lethal contingency plans
Favorite dish is cachapa
Doesn’t have a good relationship with his family
Performs experiments with team members powers
Went to HTCS with Doc Sage
Stays within the Science Lab on Frontier
Plays football with Corredor and Impulse
Is usually teamed up with The Professor