Acolyte’s magic abilities allow him to bestow magical properties on people or objects. Curses, blessings, take your pick. Though not a fighter, Acolyte’s known for using household items and turning them into incredibly powerful killing weapons.
A master “alchemist”, Alchem is capable of utilizing almost any substance in creating a type of potion with different properties. If facing Alchem, would suggest not allowing her to consume or use any of her creations. If so, use drugs to help burn the potion quicker through her body. Once securing, do not allow near any pots and pans, or a fire.
The first American Kid had the basic skill set: athletics, strategy, and throwing knives. He has no leadership skills, only able to follow orders, leaving him at a great loss if he’s disconnected with the upper command of the Justice Teens. He’ll be able to keep himself standing for a considerable amount of time, before falling to fatigue.
The second American Kid carries an extra weapon to the field. At an unknown time, he would come into contact with a shield that can be easily held by someone his age. He’s a leader, unlike the first, able to inspire and push his allies to fight harder than before. A tactical genius, and a fan of guerrilla tactics, if you lose track of him, expect him to come back soon and hitting hard. To bring him down, your first move would be to remove him from the shield which is best at reflecting energy and concussion attacks, however it is still metal and a strong magnet would be enough. After that, waiting for him to return, try utilizing a bad habit of trying to reclaim his shield, so place the shield in an armory type area, or some place that doesn’t give hint to him placing a kinetic barrier around him.
With similar abilities to BronzeCub and Kid Shift, Animal Morph’s abilities allow him to mimic animal abilities. This leaves his senses open to the same amount of damage the animals he can follow after. Sonic emitters, powerful aromas, and sonar, to name a few methods.
Jack Vespucci has been granted both Telepathic and Immortality, creating a very narrow window of opportunity for bringing him down. His telepathic powers are only able to create illusions, so mental shielding will be the best counter measure against it. He has some military training, however he is still young. Finally, his immortality has proven to be his greatest downfall. Sources have come to the conclusion that Jack is mentally disturbed and easily manipulated by his emotions. Best course of action is to break him down, possibly by using his own weapon against him.
As a Native from Gorilla City, Armine’s entire physiology has been enhanced behind normal primates. Armed with enhanced intelligence, strength, and a suit built to help him traverse upwards on steel or rock, Armine’s is a force you must not take head on. Instead, manage to damage his suit, which forces him to the ground. Keep him in an urban or steel environment, one without an easily climbable structure. Once you have him cornered, use electric tethers designed to hold a target down. With him being constantly electrocuted, his body will fight against him enough to allow you to secure within a protective case.
Avac is a M.M.A(Mixed Martial Artist) fighter, gifted with the ability to manipulate cold air and cause freezing. To remove his ability, move into an area with little to no moisture within the air and more heat to negate freezing, forcing him to stick with hand-to-hand combat. You could also add thermal padding strong enough to hold back his freezing ability, then overwhelm.
Baddle gained her abilities from an experiment to copy the powers of Wonder Girl. She came out with her enhanced abilities, flight, and super-strength. She's capable of receiving high amounts of damage without flinching, however she's gained a reputation of leaping without looking. The best option would be to lead her during battle, allowing her to believe she's winning, and bringing her to a secure zone where she can be bombarded with munitions from all sides. She's capable of being tired out, giving you that window of opportunity.
Once the league idiot, Kid Gantastar, or Black Ignite, has proven himself to be a challenge. Luck is on his side, allowing his ignorance to pass him by. Would use mental attacks and distractions to allow the use of tranquilizer rounds.
Bomb Shelter utilizes an unknown energy to create her force fields. Though the shields can withstand large amounts of damage, Shelter is strained by how much she needs to strengthen the shield. Constant barrage on the shield until she gives out is the only option you'll be given. Suggest using long lasting effect attacks, either nuclear, incendiary, or seismic.
BronzeCub is a fast mover but he tends to throw himself into long fights. He has a healing factor but it's a low leveled one so mortal gun shots would be enough to take him down. As for his animalistic abilities, use of sonic weaponry will damage his hearing and stun him long enough for a take down.
With a portal in the center of his chest, Burster is able to use it to pull energy from the sun and turn it into a focused beam of energy. He’s also able to allow people to travel through, however this is a one way trip. He himself however is unable to use this portal and can be stuck behind depending on the situation. While torso shots would come out useless, the rest of his body is open to attack, but with him being able to release powerful burst, attacking from behind is the best option.
Personally, this power can be viewed as useless. Cannonball can cover himself in an unknown source of energy when in the upright fetal position. In this state, he can continuously move until he bumps into something, which pushes it in another direction, other than that, he’s unable to do anything else. If fighting, do not use explosives, bullets, or a strong impactful force on him. The ball itself weighs as much as him, so lifting would not be something I’d recommend.
C.H.A.D was a Brainiac scout droid repurposed by Sparky Arrow. Anything from a shotgun to an E.M.P would do the trick and knocking it out.
Catipula places her victims in a state of disorientation. Her abilities generally throw people off their game and induces violent vomiting if the affects go on long enough. Placing psychic shields up would prevent her from being able to sway you, leaving her open to any form of attack.
Chandler Price has no special skill to stay alive. His powers allow him to be reincarnated after death. Conventional means are enough to bring him down, however after his many lives, he’s able to fully remember tactics and strategies that give him a sever edge in battle. He will not fight if he feels his chances are less than 9%.
Coffy has the ability to release spores from her body that can influence an individual just by making skin contact. She's also equipped with two concussion pistols. Recommend wearing a full body suit along with a gas mask to counteract the spores. After that, any method would be capable of subduing her.
Feisty and powerful, Column is the ideal “Fighting Irish” for the league. His constructs are based on the situation and are often effective. Smallest out of his colleagues, Column is one of the fastest flyers of his them, and hits with wide spreading attacks. That large area of effect style he’s taken custom to, is due to his recklessness and aggressive nature. Being the fastest, he’s also known to burn through his power ring faster as well. Anger him; the angry he gets, the less control he has on his ring, and the more power he’ll waste on trying to bring you down. A word of advise; if you can’t handle a few Green Lantern rockets hitting your door, give it to someone who can.
The lower half of Corredor's body is enhanced compared to the average Human. She's capable of moving close to two-hundred miles easy, and leg-lift close to a ton. That being said, the rest of her body is still vulnerable to damage. A well place shout would take her down. Would suggest using a numbing agent to affect the use of her legs, or somehow affecting the ground she's on.
Danni Ash has spent years perfecting her magic and using witchcraft. Holy magic should easily render her magic useless. New information has shown that she is prone to relying on what is called a "Soul Shield"; turning her own soul into a weapon. Breaking that shield will break her, complete destruction will lead to termination.
Shadow Albatros, now coming to his real name, David Blackwell, shares the same weakness as every Human. He’s trained his mind and body to last in a fight, and survive when facing a Meta-Human/Homo Magi. He has a code of honor which causes him to step down if the entirety of the league is threatened, which is a rarity. As for facing him in person while using an overwhelming force, he is known for carrying a sunstone crystal which imbues him with the abilities of Superman, albeit for a short amount of time. The longest he’s been able to hold it normally is four minutes, however he can go ten with the cost of harming his body. If you can remove the crystal from his person, you’ll be able to use just about any method, as long as he doesn’t expect it.
A trained detective and C.S.I, Dex’s intelligence places him as one of the J.T’s smartest members. However, he uses his brain more than brawns as he has no training in hand to hand combat. If pushed into a corner, he’s known to use a single weapon designed by certain members to escape, but once out, he falls back to running. If unable to catch him, threatening his partner, Morning Sparrow, would be enough to force him to bring himself in.
The lead Medical director of the Justice Teens, Doc Sage uses a plethora of gasses, serums and medical techniques to help and take down. Each serum and gas gives a different result, so try your best not to allow him to use any. There’s a serum on Doc Sage which grants him enhanced strength, so the armor is more for your physical protection. There’s a serum developed to reverse the effects of each gas and serum on Doc Sage. It’s only designed to be used once, so always make sure you have backup and use the serum only on Sage. It may be necessary to sacrifice someone to bring him down.
Using a book of unknown magic origin, Dog Boy gains his name from specializing in transforming individuals into canines. The best chance to beat him, would be to remove his book from his possession. Quickly proceed to taping his mouth. Even without the book, he’s most likely remembered a few spells by heart. Without being able to speak the spells, he’d be unable to cast.
Using her Celtic bloodline, Dru Idic is able to use magic as a means of controlling nature. This limits her to staying within areas with large amounts of flora, or else hinder her power. Destroying the nearby forestry will render her abilities worthless.
Born in Medieval time, Dust was trapped in her stone form until recently. As a Gargoyle, her hide his thick, helping protect her from the penetration of bullets and sharp weapons. Using solar rays to force her to resort to her statue state.
With his unique physiology, Elad is immune to bullets, strong impacts, explosions, and heat. Attacking with sharpen objects would possibly be able to puncture his skin. Best move would be using cryogenics to freeze him in his place, or greatly hinder his stretching.
Etheral uses a device attached to gauntlets which allows her to move space. Yes, space. She’s capable of sending one piece of a location to another, sending herself and allies to a pocket universe which her device allows her to manipulate, or completely destroy a target. Personally, unless you’re either able to remove the device from her person, or are a being which can deflect her efforts, there’s no real way to defeat her.
Exo Tornado is made of a strong, lightweight metal that makes him near impervious to bullets, meaning close-quartered, brute force, is needed to deal with the mechanical Justice Teen. Ripping his arms off would deal with his offensive capabilities and de-limb him completely would only render him useless as his head is still able to react without the body. Another option would be to find his “off button”, located somewhere on his spinal column.
Fallout Boy has the ability to release nuclear energy from his body at will, making it dangerous for organics to subdue him, even within protective suits. With his enhanced strength, it would be best to use radiation hardened machines to contain him within a kinetic field, and hold him until his body reverts back to its organic form.
Felix Taylor was trained by an unknown individual. Though not as advanced as Shadow Albatros, he’s still a formidable opponent. He’s cocky, which gets him into fights where he’s both outnumbered and outmatched. Attack his ego, and in turn, make him sloppy and less of a threat
Fire Teen’s body in completely covered in fire using the oxygen around her. Removing the oxygen will return her body to normal and incapacitate her in the process.
Though deaf, Fissure Lad is able to use seismic waves as a way to hear. His Geokinesis is limited to only ground affecting attacks. Fissure Lad's rock skin armor is strong enough to take a full on blow from a train, however he most likely will be rendered unconscious. A combination of a Meta-Human with a more advanced Geokinesis and a aerial forces would be the best move against Fissure Lad. Once his armor is activated, it leaves him vulnerable to the Meta's ability, forcing him to revert back to his Human state. The aerial forces will be unfazed by his ability to make tears in the Earth, leaving him open to any form of assault.
Fray’s control of Plasma energy doesn’t hold a candle to Plasmic. Only able to release plasmic energy, such as lasers and thin lines, Fray is not much of a threat. Use smokescreens to block her vision, causing her to fire wildly into all directions. Do not approach until the smoke clears, which she’ll have exhausted her energy.
Equipped with the Cyro-genesis armor, Frost Bat uses a liquid nitrogen substance to replicate a freezing effect on his enemies. Using ice based weaponry, he’s capable of dealing long lasting damage, however his arsenal shows a basic weakness to high temperatures. Seeing as his suit using thermal padding to help him withstand the icy effects of his own weaponry, you would need either a similar uniform, or a device/individual that releases high temperatures to negate his tech.
Similar to other Ice based individuals, Frost Brat can be weakened by removing moisture from the air. Allowing her to make contact with ice would result in her, repairing any damage taken. Incendiary grenades would render her abilities inert as well.
Frost Teen is still young and easily susceptible to fits of rage making him sloppy. Suggest using anger and fear tactics, Mind control also works. He is also reliant on his cryo armor, a hulking mass of ice that covers his body. Physically, he is unable to even sway the suit on his own which forces him to manipulate his armor with his own powers. Apply pressure on his psyche to obtain accepted results.
The gift of fusionism, Fuser itself is a fusion between two male teens. Given the basic abilities, strength, flight, and Enhancements, Fuser’s star ability is to be able to combine two items to make an entirely new being. When used on Meta-Humans, the creation could be incredibly unpredictable. As long as Fuser’s host are compatible, mentally and emotionally harmonic, he’ll continue to remain strong and firm. To deconstruct Fuser, send telepathic waves at either host, creating instability within them. There’s also proof that they have a habit of pulling away from each other if they feel that they’re about to crash into something.
Even though he has no powers, Gadget Break uses a device on his belt that allows him to hack into military weapons. Suggest either using E-M-Ps, or Tech Break to deal with.
Ggal’s abilities are nowhere as expansive as her mentor Psi Lad's. She is only capable of completing basic telekinetic skills. Being a "unlocked", she is more prone to physical exhaustion after over-exerting her powers. Having her focused on multiple and heavy objects. She seems to have trouble using her powers in aquatic settings as well, must have something to do with water molecules being loose.
Ghost Boy is an alien running around in a human body of its own creation. While in Human form, he only has flight, the basic telepathic abilities so using the same neural shieldings should provide us with protection. Ghost also has the ability to posses a host so use frequency generators to trap him in a never ending loop once he makes contact. Now, when he's in "certain death", he'll return back to his original form, however that will make him extremely aggressive. He'll begin attacking his own teammates, that allows us to fall back and let his allies deal with him. When all scientific techniques fail, this alien is tied to magic. Would suggest using tactics similar for Hells Archer due to him having abilities that match to a basic Christian demon.
Haren himself is as sand, coarse and hard to control. He’s more likely to kill you if he feels you pose a threat to him. Best option is to hit him before he even knows you’re coming. However, if your objective is blown, carry heavy incendiary weaponry. Though his power of sand is masterful, he is unable to control it once turned to glass. As for equipment, make sure to wear a suit in which nothing can get in. A single grain of sand within your breather could make the difference between an moderately-difficult takedown, turn into possibly the last day of your life on Earth.
A Thanagarian deputy, Hawk Teen is adept at flight, aerial combat, and ground combat. Vicious in nature, hand-to-hand would be suicide unless physically stronger. As most Thanagarians, he is armored with Nth metal, increasing his own abilities. His healing is advanced, however if he dies, he will Not be reborn as the two Thanagarians already on our planet. Your best move would be to ground him by damaging his wings, which will force him to the ground, then use overwhelming force to bring him down.
Multiple times, over the years, Heavens Archer had been “killed”, however these attempts were by Earthly means. Demonic forces, such as Hells Archer, or dark incantations seem to work best on Heavens Archer.
Just as Heavens Archer is unable to die by Earthly forces, so can’t Hells Archer. Use of angelic weapons, such as Heavens’ bow, or holy water work best. An easier, and less costly way, of removing Hells Archer is trapping him with salt. Laying out salt on the floor will be the closest way of capturing Hells Archer and keeping him, unless the salt trap is disturbed by outside forces.
Ho’ola’s power of spiritual healing both gives strength and power to not just the body, but the spiritual energy of the victim. With luck, Ho’ola’s ability does not give her any advancements, meaning she’ll will not be a hard target to bring down.
Iceaac has the power to manipulate and generate snow, which is obviously much weaker than ice. Simple heat based weapons, incendiary grenades and ammo, should take him down. He also suffers from a head injury which will impair most of his skills and make him more susceptible to stun techniques. Suggest bringing L.E.D lights.
Though a speedster, Impulse is nowhere as fast as Kid Blurr. His top recorded speed is Mach 1, the speed of sound, however he may be hiding an even higher speed. As a Speedster, he needs to wear a uniform which can resist friction, allowing for him to move without issue and less probability of him catching fire. This throws fire based weapons out of the equation. Damaging his uniform, or attacking him while without it, will force him to hold back on the speed, or risk losing his clothing and possible injuring himself. Of course, he's known to be thrifty in battle, and may continue to fight, but 8 out of 10, he will know when to surrender.
John Wyatt’s aim comes from his time as a ranch hand in the Old West. He catches on quick, though not from our time, but still does not understand use of low level technology. He carries two revolvers and a Winchester, which both use normal ammunition. Nothing special with bringing him down, though do not underestimate his aim, but a small team with strengthened padding will be enough.
KellyKa is still a low strengthen Human with cryokinesis abilities, meaning simple weapons can still cause her harm. Her powers create a way for her to keep distance from her opponents, meaning incendiary rounds would be a quick and efficient tactic. She's also blind in one eye and sometimes relies on her hearing. Sonic attacks would deal with that effectively. Warning; she's known to force her body to release a devastating wave of ice within a mile radius. This will place her in a comatose state, leaving her open for attack. The area will be inhospitable, so the use of thermal armor and heat generators will be needed to retrieve her.
Justine Time's ability to travel through time, has a strong setback; he has chronological dissociation. This means he's unable to stay within his own time for long. However, when he is, he's capable of manipulating time around himself, making him a complicated target to capture. Would suggest trapping him within a stasis field or a Temporal Chamber, which is a room where time essentially dies, trapping him within our time and deactivating his powers. Another move would be to use a harmonic resonator, which, if used at the right frequency, can force his abilities to remove him from the current time stream.
Once host of the helmet of Young Fate, Kid Fantasm is one of the league’s foremost Homo Magi. Kid Fantasm’s abilities can be rectified by the use of scientific weapons, though low weapons such as bullets and missiles would be unable to harm him as significantly. Using cutting edge technology, his abilities would only do as much as 38% effectiveness.
Kid Rager is the member of the Justice Teens who implemented the idea of killing. He uses explosive marbles that can either kill, disorientate, or switch off electronic devices. At his size, he can move fast and duct under objects quickly. Try fighting him in an open arrow with nothing he can climb over or under. On him are two tomahawks. Don’t worry, he never throws them, so don’t view them as ranged weapons. In the end, anyone with enhanced strength and durability would be able to handle Kid Rager one on one.
Kid Shazam is a champion of the Wizard Shazam. As seen with all other members of this group, tricking the individual to say the keyword Shazam will revert them to their original form. However new information gathered suggest that a single, direct strike from a powerful bolt of lightning will return them to their natural form as well. If possible, try and set Shazam within an area where he will the lightning will be unable to reach him within one strike. You could also try redirecting the bolt, using a number of rods, to keep him from transforming. Last, and easiest if he doesn't see it coming, would be to remove their ability to speak, cutting out any risk of them turning into Kid Shazam.
Kid Shift has the ability to turn into an animal on Earth of his choosing. With this, he takes that animals instincts, and weaknesses. The usual dog whistle, cat nip, sonar weaponry, should do well to harm him. However, Kid Shift also shows the ability to utilize nearby plant life, and even heal his body from wounds. With that, I'd suggest using extreme temperatures to harm both the plant life and his body. Constant damage towards his body would push his abilities to their limit, until the point where he would be in a permanent state of both death and life.
It is often believed that overpowering Kinetic Teen would beat him, what they don’t know is that in his core is what I could only compare to black hole, which holds all extra energy put into his body. How do you beat someone who can be powered by an atom alone? Theory states that there’s a dimension so void of life that there is no atoms that dwell there. Wasting all of Kinetic’s power and then dropping him there would be the best way with dealing with him…unless he is the God that multiple life forms around the universe believe in, in which case any conflict with him would result in complete extermination. He has also stated to his team that the Speed Force energy affects him negatively as it is a type of power that has no barrings on the physical world.
A weird power indeed, Kordiac’s control over asphalt, whether liquid or solid form gives him an edge towards the lack of ways to stop it. Hot headed and ready for a fight, there’s little chance at attacking him in secret. He’s useless in areas without asphalt, however he’s known to wear accessories made of tar for combative use. While in solid form, the asphalt can be broken down with a blast from a shotgun. However, in liquid, it moves too quick to be hit, and ammo can be stuck in. The best solution is the literal solution; water. The water will break down the glue which holds asphalt together. Prepare a powerful stream before attempting to apprehend.
Standing at 15 feet tall and several feet wide, weighing close to 400 lbs, Krusher is one of the J.T's heavy hitters. His growth grants him with strength and enhanced skin density, but also keeps him from being easily knocked down. The draw back is his growth causes great pain, so he uses a strong painkiller developed by Doc Sage. If you're able to remove the serum from his person, he'll be less likely to grow. Would also set Krusher in an area where his size and weight would be more dangerous to himself, such as quicksand, indoors, or weak ground.
The first Green Lantern of the Justice Teens, and the first teenage Human, Ky Santanna is considered the most powerful of the J.T’s Lanterns. Ironically, he’s the least creative. His will surpasses his Lanterns, giving him a stronger immunity to the effects of the other Spectrums. He’s strongly prideful, which does create an divide with the other Lanterns and him, and his own emotions have been seen effecting his mastery with the ring. If unable to use a Red or Sinestro Corps ring, this is your best measure against him and all other Green Lanterns. As police, they will stand down if they feel their personal codes or allies are in grave danger. Ky is the closest to this ideal, and will prove no threat.
Kyrik’s Meta-Human ability allows him to recover from almost any amount of damage. He’s also been trained by Avac in Mixed Martial Arts, giving him an edge when in combat. This however does not exempt him from his lack of enthusiasm, so do not expect much of a fight. To deal with his abilities, you would need to find a way to bombard him with enough power to which he would be reduced to almost nothing, then collect the remains and leave him to a secure location as he regenerates.
Lady Spectre can literally be “untouchable”. The best way to get her, would be to find a way to make an object on the same density as her or higher. Another tactic for her, would be to use lead, as this substance has proven to block off beings such as spirits.
Ray Jones, aka Light Torrent, uses the military tactics trained by the Green Lanterns. He’ll create weaponry used by multiple races, both for pinpoint accuracy, and devastating attacks. He’s not known for making large weapons, and puts his efforts into making something he can hold, rifles and carving knifes. As a man of honor, Torrent can be baited out of taking off his ring if you can make him feel as if the battle is not a “fair fight”. If you wish, you can fight him and hope you win, if not, this would be your best time to take him down.
LunaEmber is easily defeated by removing all heat sources around her, then lowering her body temperature.
A White Witch, Maria Red is from another dimension where Dark Magic reigns supreme. She’s able of using both Dark and White magic, but chooses to utilize the abilities of her father rather than the rest of her world. As she is of another realm, she’s physically beyond the average Human of her age, however that does not make her invulnerable to piercing weapons and bullets. As of now, the only known way of defeating this Witch is by using a more powerful Homo Magi.
Martian Niro’s weakness is derived from mental fear of fire, however over the years it’s been shown that this weakness is in fact an actual physical stop. That being said, it is only a small weakness within a strong will and even stronger power. Capable of using the same abilities as all Martians, telepathy and telekinesis are his first line of defense if encountered. If that fails, he's more than willing to get physical in his confrontation. You'll need a being of equal strength and a strong telepath to hold his attention, which would be your best and probably only chance to use incendiary equipment on him.
Mary Clide’s ability causes a bit of an issue. She is able to travel back in time by two minutes. Your best option would be to prepare for her. Set the area up before hand, causing a disaster the two minutes before, forcing her to either stay in the present, or place herself back in the worse moment in the encounter.
Maximus Zero comes from a dimension, different from ours. Believed to be birthed from the D.N.A of the Kryptonians of our Earth, Maximus was created without a weakness to Kryptonite. His creator Jacob did create a fail safe incase the clone would turn against him, which he did, called the Scarlet Atom. Only found in their dimension, Maximus has no fear of coming across the Atom.
Just as her older cousin, Maximus Zero, Maxima’s weakness is Scarlet Atom. It takes effect only seconds after contact. I do suggest not giving her a chance to sense the presence of the Scarlet Atom, as she will quickly switch to ranged combat. The S.A has an effect radius of five feet, meaning you'll have to either get in close, or bring Maxima to you.
Metal Lad’s Jilton powers are only limited to metal, leaving a plethora of items that can be used to deal with the Alpha level Meta-Human. Suggest sending strike team and equipping them with only plastic guns and rubber bullets. Attempts at telepathic attacks have proven ineffective, as Metal Lad is able to use his control of electromagnet shielding to protect himself, so would suggest physical drugging, if able to get close enough. To do this, suggest using using burst rounds or area affecting attacks/explosives.
Miasama ability to manipulate smoke may seem natural, however that’s only due to using tech similar to what Pyran of the Injustice Teens use to control fire. As she uses smoke as a heat based weapon, it can negated with strong winds. Damaging her suit would also hinder her ability to utilize smoke, even breaking her rebreather would force her to stop before being overcome by the lack of oxygen.
Mind Walker’s telepathic backfire is that once he’s placed himself within someone’s mind, his own body is left in a state where it’s placed in a near death coma. This allows the body to not appear as a living body, or found through most methods. Would suggest finding the body, though he happens to leave it in odd places.
Mirror's clones can make clones of their own, and the amount of clones each can make before showing signs of physical stress are six. The best way to deal with Mirror before you are overtaken by him and his clones are to tag the real Mirror and take him down. Once he's down, the clones will return to him. To do this, suggest using using burst rounds or area affecting attacks/explosives.
The league’s first archer, Mockingbirdx is an trained Government agent with the task to take down Meta-Humans. He carries multiple trick arrows, each unmarked to make it hard to tell which type he’s firing at you. He’s been known to have trouble firing at quick targets, so using an individual with enhanced speed would be the best. If failed, place him in a situation where another Justice Teen’s life is on the line. He may stand down, but in case he doesn’t, prepare a sniper.
Molly Thunder is a champion of the Wizard Shazam. As seen with all other members of this group, tricking the individual to say the keyword Shazam will revert them to their original form. However new information gathered suggest that a single, direct strike from a powerful bolt of lightning will return them to their natural form as well. If possible, try and set Molly within an area where he will the lightning will be unable to reach her within one strike. You could also try redirecting the bolt, using a number of rods, to keep her from transforming. Last, and easiest if she doesn't see it coming, would be to remove their ability to speak, cutting out any risk of them turning into Molly Thunder.
Trained by Shiriken himself, Morning Sparrow’s fighting prowess is almost as lethal as his own. Her main weapon is her master’s katana, and is capable of pushing her body past its limits. She also has training in mental protection, removing all possible mental attacks from the table. In the end however, she is still Human and can be stricken with body aches if pushed. She also shares a connection to her partner, Dex. She’ll give herself up if you have him apprehended beforehand.
Murry is a secret member of the Justice Teens, showing up during the first few years as an unknown support for Kid Blurr. Her skill with hacking and intelligence makes her a useful recourse. However, she has no formal training and once engaged will be no issue. Suggest destroying all Wi-Fi connected devices near her. If you alert her to your plan, she will prove a difficult person to track.
Night Sif’s armor is almost similar to Scarab, as it was what his armor was based on. Use the same plans on both Night Sif as would Scarab.
Seeing as O2's lungs are able to adapt to any atmosphere and even handle toxic gasses, it's obvious to stick to the basic tasers or tranquilizers.
Orbital Spirit wears a suit which grants him the ability to become intangible. Damaging the suit would ground him to our level. If he does manage to power up, use something at the same density or higher to make contact, and damage the suit.
Trained by Nightwing for some time, Osprey has knowledge in hand to hand combat. While he can take out multiple targets in a battle, a combination of ranged and close up combat would be enough to catch him slipping up. With some mental shielding, it would take a bit longer to use mental attacks on him, but it is not off the table. A last ditch effort, if your plan to ambush him fails, and you cannot land a physical blow, use sonic weaponry for an effective area effect.
Ossein's ability to weaponize and regrow her bones gives her some defense. Do not approach her, but instead use ranged techniques. If she manages to armor herself, his with light rounds, for she is still using bone.
PaPa The Panda, probably one of the most adorable creatures on the Justice Teens. Though not Human, PaPa The Panda has been shown to be able to understand conversation, although is unable to respond. With his ability to grow once he’s eaten, he’s shown to be incredibly strong and hard to control. Simply, do not allow it to eat. If it does however, and manages to reach out of control proportions, allow it to eat items which can be considered poisonous or a simple red apple. The poison will harm him; however his body will turn it into protein, in expense of returning him to his natural size. It’s unknown why a red apple returns him to normal.
With no actually fighting skill, Parlor Trix uses “magic” as a way to distract, evade, and escape. On his person is a plethora of smoke bombs, fire crackers, trick mirrors, throwing cards, and other devices he uses to push someone away. Using tracking equipment would pretty much cause all his tricks to come up short, as in the end, you will be able to catch him.
Don't let the name fool you, Party Boi is an extremely dangerous Meta-Human. Capable of forcing your body to push itself past its limits, either forcing you to pass out or plainly die. Would suggest the use of a powerful stimulus to negate his effects, letting his abilities burn out the chemicals within your body in enough time to take him down with little force.
Now, Patric Holmes is almost a “Master Magician”. He specializes in all sorts of magic, and uses it to an adept level. Most of his life, he studied how to battle off large groups of demons, meaning Humans would be child’s play to him. One type of being that has been seen to give him the most trouble in fighting are those who can teleport with ease. Utilize teleportation devices to your best. As of now, there’s no fully developed way to fight him head on, so your best shot is to bring him down before he knows you’re coming.
Peyton Cross is a fighter, literally. His constructs are made to resemble boxing equipment. Even without his ring, he can still prove himself to be a danger in one on one combat. His faith with the Lanterns is rare to be shaken, and his will is something to be strive for. He focuses his attacks to bring down a target with as few hits as possible. Here on Earth, he still has family, however he’s mainly based here so going after them will be a rarity.
Armed with plasma energy, and the other abilities which are considered plasma; solar, light, fire, and electricity, Plasmic is surprisingly powerful. Do not worry, she’s not versed in the control of all of the abilities, however she’s began her path in studying them, under the tutelage of Potential Teen of the Injustice Teens. Seeing as plasma is what a Lightsaber is made of, it is understandable that plasma would negate plasma. With all her other abilities, she shows a hard time to switching each power, so the best move would be to force her to using cryogenics and insulated armor with protected eyewear. This would defend you from three of the four plasmas she controls. Solar, at this time, is her hardest ability to control, but she shows that her only one involves a large area of affecting range.
Prodigyy is the son of Zeus, making it difficult to mentally shake, so an all out physical battle would have to do. Only a beings powerful in the use of magic have a chance at taken him on. Though an older God could do the trick, it’s highly unlikely you’ll be able to gain their aid. You would have to be able to gain venom of the Hydra, which can cause unbearable pain for even the Gods, which would cause Prodigyy to crumble.
Psi Lad is an incredibly power Mental powered Meta-Human, able to utilize both Telepathy and Telekinesis, a rare feat that only a few Metas have gained. His Telepathic ability alone will make a sneak attack virtually impossible as he’ll be able to sense it coming. His Telekinetic powers are something to fear, as he has the strength to stop a fully moving train completely. Suggest using constant psionic blast to occupy his Telepathy, leaving him open to sneak attacks but not dealing with his Telekinetic. Last option is to use someone with no actual impulse control, making them unpredictable to both him, and us.
A basic level mentalist, Psychic Lad's telekinesis is more advanced than his telekinesis. Use mental blocks to keep him from accessing your mind. As for his telekinesis, the ability exerts force on his body, limiting both the time he can use it and weight he can lift. Use heavy vehicles filled with a group of individuals. Once they are released, spread your forces out to overwhelm.
Quixotic is a Homo Magi whose capable of leaving her body via astral projection. In this form, she is capable of possessing others, however her own body is left open and exposed. Obviously you'd need to find her body. Prolonged periods of time from her body can be more than hazardous to her, and the body.
Recall’s ability to gain knowledge from her past lives can make her a tricky target, though not complicated. As her past lives go beyond 1997, modern day tactics are all that will be needed.
While he has no actual powers, Renol has proven to be a threat to almost anyone he’s come across. With nearly three dozen suits for different situations, and the ability to control them from almost anywhere in the world, E-M-Ps have proven useless and arcane methods have backfired on all attempts, meaning a direct assault is necessary. The two options would be to fight each suit until there are none, or incapacitate him.
Ritz Marshall stands at 5'3, 120 pounds, and can casually lift one ton, and that's on a slow day. Her strength combined with Army training makes her a very dangerous opponent. She's capable of thinking fast under pressure, and is even known for using military grade weaponry with ease. Seeing as her body is near invulnerable, use chemical or P.S.I attacks. Heavy usage of gas: mustard, tear, knockout, or managing to get her into an area with a strong amount of pressure, such as the ocean, would be enough to slow her down or stop her.
A ritual priest from Africa, Roh’a Talsu uses symbols to summon beast and items, or to call upon the help of others. He must draw and make contact with the image, then speak a word dealing with said image. After the spell has been cast, it will disappear. His more powerful attacks take some time to build up the energy, usually spanning hours. Using a numbing agent on his body will effectively remove the use of limbs and impede his ability to speak. The symbols he uses will not work on glass or reflective surfaces, so holding him will not be a problem.
Rubix creates light-based rubix cube like boxes around individuals, which act as containment cells. Each box is then shifted around until the person inside is able to figure out the code in place. Your best move would be to someone who enjoys puzzles and would find no issue with escaping.
Even though Scarab’s suit is a technical marvel in both military and engineering, it is only that; tech. A strong E-M-P will, while not shut down, scramble his circuits and H.U.D systems.
Shiriken is the league’s deadliest assassin. A cold-hearted killer with only connections to Young Fate, Kid Blurr, and Martian Niro, Shiriken will easily kill a J.T if it meant saving the world. He’s not immune to most forces that can kill a Human, and using over the top weaponry would not be “overkill”.
Slicin Dice uses blade based weaponry. Knife projectiles, wrist blades, anything that can cut a man. On his back is what you could describe as a “light saber”. Other than his blades, he has no other skill or style of attack. If fighting him, be sure to wear armor platting and pads to deflect his blows.
A Red Lantern, unlike Masokiss, Smashica holds a hard time keeping her mind straight. Not fully accept the blood bath, Smashica’s anger gets the better of her. Seeing as her anger makes her stronger, it’s best NOT to push it any farther. Instead, use a Blue Lantern, or a serenity inducing device to calm her down, and bring her to a point where she’ll fall. Now, as for holding her, the removal of her ring would kill her as her ring has replaced her heart. If able to, reverse the process with a Blue Lantern. If not, substitute her heart. Personal inquiry, place her under, as I fear she would try to it out…
Solar Combust is unable to generate its own solar energy, which means he's forced to take the energy being released by the sun. Using solar ray belts would take enough of his energy to make him powerless until his next absorption. There's also the possibility of waiting for the sun to pass that section of the Earth, and attack him until he's wasted his energy reserve.
Somas is an incredibly power Meta-Human with a connection to the Green. His abilities seem to see no end, and science shows no ability to harm him. Magic does have some greater affect on him, however it is only a short solution. Destroying a forest is the LAST thing I’d suggest doing as he’s able to return the land, no matter the amount of damage, and then he will proceed to kill you--slowly. This is where his worse personality comes to light; his lack of Human connection. As long as you do not plan to harm the environment, he should not bother you. If happen to come into contact with him, use a teleportation device; boom tube, to remove him from a planet’s surface and into a metal space, such as a space station, where life would be unable to bloom.
Siren's ability of sonic generation comes from her mouth. Simply applying similar tactics to her as Stereo would be enough to bring her down. Distracting her long enough to sneak up on her and place a device on her throat or mouth, is also an option.
Trained by Kid Blurr, Impulse, Green Arrow, and Mockingbirdx, Sparky Arrow has proven himself to be a dangerous combatant, even for an archer. He’s defeated a small team of Justice Teens that chased him, two of those individuals being Kid Shazam and Maximus Zero. Destroying his bow would just force him to fall back on his gadgets, each made by him self. Though he’d run out of tricks after five minutes, it would be simpler to use his heroic pride against him. He’s been easily tricked into fighting the Justice Teens, to save a girl who didn’t exist and be captured by the Injustice Teens. He’s also been injured by damaging his speed boots, which grant him increased speed. Destroying those, his bow, and outlasting his tricks will allow someone to bring him down. Just to note, he's been known to travel with C.H.A.D, so make sure to have reviewed the ways to take him out of the fight.
Able to manipulate an object that can be found in most areas with people, Speculumn’s glass manipulation is used for maiming and piercing. If possible, remove all glass within the area you plan to confront her. If unable, try your best not to smash the glass for it gives her smaller pieces to control and use against you.
Spirit Walker's armor is nigh impenetrable by conventional means. However, another spirit based weapon would have an easier time at both penetrating and removing the armor from around her. If unable to find one, your best option would be to attack her before giving away your intentions. She's also emotionally shaken, so threatening others she cares for would put her in the position in which she'll stand down for their safety.
Star Lad’s original powers were switched out for what is known as “Super Package”. Only a being stronger than him can defeat Star Lad, or any type of magic, weather offensive or defensive. For reasons unknown to anyone, the genetic structure inside of Star deteriorates when he comes into contact with water. Just as Kryptonite shuts off and weakens a Kryptonian, so does water when it comes to Star Lad.
With Statrix, it is dangerous to allow him to hit you with a single blast, unprotected. Fortunately, Statrix is known for wasting large amounts of electricity in a single battle. He is not susceptible to water, however using insulated armor will protect the wearer from his attacks.
Stereo’s physically the same as a normal 16 year old boy, so a normal gunshot to the chest would be enough. When using his Sonic Manipulation, using sound frequencies at the same level will block out his powers, rendering them useless. It is also possible to remove the air in his area to leave him without the oxygen needed to produce vocal sounds, however it does not deal with the sonic waves amplified via his hands.
The most famous Lantern of all, Donut Boy, now going by his real name, Steven Mitchells, is the second most powerful and the most creative Lantern. If facing him, be prepared for anything. He’s not known for using lethal force, but it would not shake him if such was to happen. Many beings have tried to take him down, each met with an embarrassing loss. I’ve seen him defend entire planets on his own, and come out on top. Steven is a top-notch Lantern…so I cannot find any way of defeating him as long as his Lantern ring is on his finger.
Unlike Zeph, Stratos was trained by First Defense. She uses tactical strikes, moving in quick and precise. Use U.A.V drones and gravity emitters to affect her flying, causing her to force land. Keeping her on the ground is the best time. Best option however, if she does manage to take off, is trap her within a stasis field.
The small device implanted into Tech Break’s mind, allows him to log himself into any and everything, connected to the internet. It also gives him upgraded optical vision, able to predict the next action of someone by scanning their hormones, body gesture, and more. Yet to be tested, but a well placed smack to both ears should scramble to chip, long enough for you to apprehend Tech. Another idea would be to use wide spanning area attacks, as he would be unable to dodge/evade.
Unlike most high intellectual opponents, Tech Spark's age still opens him up for emotional connection. Simply using loved ones as a bargaining chip, he'll give himself up.
Teddy Holdings’ is the first and only Blue Lantern to join the Justice Teens. As a Blue Lantern, Teddy is unable to construct weapons, and is only good for defense and healing. Keep him away from Green Lanterns, who are able to give him the ability to switch to offence. To bring him down, shake his hope. Your best option would be to use illusionary tactics.
Teen Eagle's powers come from two ancient Native-American deities. Granted with the ability to conjure lightning, and flight, along with other abilities which makes him near impossible to defeat with conventional methods. Sources say that strong weapons, enchanted by Native Shamans, would be capable of wounding him. Also, Native chants and incantations would be able to temporarily sever his connection with his powers, returning him back to his natural state.
Tesla Effect has training as a government official and Justice Teen. Her abilities grant her a wide range of attacks but leaves little defense. Water will not short circuit her so it would be best to keep her away from any liquid. The best way to defeat Tesla Effect is to put her in an impossible situation which leaves her only capture or failure.
The smartest member in the Justice Teens, The Professor uses a plethora of technological weapons to “Get my point across.” While an E.M.P would take down most of his equipment, it would only leave you with a nine second window before he’s able to bring it all back online. During that time, he’s known for using grenades as a way to keep any attackers away. Within that nine second break, use a ranged weapon to take him down before he’s able to ground himself in a safe position. IF you fail, The Professor will most likely kill you. If not, prepare for the fight of your life.
Theodore Xater’s a hybrid between Human and Demon. His practice with magic, along with his magical broadsword, make him a threat for supernatural forces. To defeat him, you’ll need to be able to weaken his demonic side, using what could be considered “Holy magic”, to hinder the side of him which is capable of utilizing magic, leaving him open to long range attacks.
Another individual that can manipulate time, though with the use of technology, Time Out creates a stasis field around herself which can take up nine yards, stopping the people within it. Anyone who can also manipulate time would be capable of removing the effect on them self. You could also wait the two minutes until the field drops, and use the minute long recharge to knock her out.
Big guns, fast cars, hot models, Top Gun’s priorities are never straight. He’s known for using large weapons to bring down any sized opponents, sometimes big guns on small people. A fan of overkill. Remove all ways for him to be able to utilize the cannons on Sky Front. Best move would be to sever his connection to Sky Front, then prepare a strong energy shield to reflect the plasma cannon on his person. After his weapon has been removed, he will prove no challenge.
Torch Barer can completely engulf her arms in flames, however the rest of her body is still Human. Though her arms are known to keep individuals at bay, would suggest gas based weaponry to render unconscious.
Though her weapon is a car, her ability to handle a vehicle that moves past Mach 3 is incredible. A bullet proof vehicle of blinding speeds, Trac requires similar techniques to the ones used on the other speedsters of the league. Once her vehicle is down, she will use devices made to move at high speeds, so a short burst E.M.P will easily deal with them.
Transmutate’s ability is more passive than offensive. She’s only able to switch powers and skills. Easiest answer is just to send one or three already skilled individuals, with no power and equal amount of skill.
Born a hunter, raised a nurturer, Triaz uses a personally constructed sniper-rifle made to hold and fire tranquilizers over a vast distance. Though he can kill if overdosing a target, he’s rare to take that chance. Your chance at being able to catch him is using a full body armored suit, sacrificing speed for protection. Once you’re able to reach Triaz, or force him out of ammo, Triaz uses stealth and a bowing knife to try and attack you. Before his attack, he will use sleeping gas which will slow you down and eventually bring you down, as Triaz is use to quick and painless kills.
Easily angering Trubie is the best option; however she becomes more violent and unpredictable. Using a type of electroshock on her should be strong enough to stop the part of her brain that controls her teleporting to stop.
A young boy, Unity's connection to Magic allows him to create a bond between him and all life. In shorter words, you'll never actually lay a finger on him. You may end up fluffing his pillow instead. The only possible way of reaching Unity is by using the dead, which means Black Lantern or dark magic. Try getting him in a location with few living things that could harm you, as they would come to his aide if called upon.
A Greenlandic warrior princess, Valkyrie Girl has spent most of her life fighting creatures larger than her. She mainly uses her abilities to form ice weapons. Best option would be moving her to an area with low moisture, forcing her to use hand-to-hand combat. Once her powers are gone, she'll be open to any form of subjugation.
Warning...where to even begin. Though she can be taken down by almost any means, it’s catching her that’s the issue. Able to see a threat within the crowd, or sense an attack coming from any direction, she's near impossible to catch off guard. If possible, you'll need large area affecting attacks which she'd be unable to evade. Also telekinesis or gravity effecting would physically hold her.
Able to create warp pads for teleportation, the Meta-Human Warp Pad is a walking zeta tube. More of a runner than a fighter, 8 out of 10 times, Warp will try and escape a battle instead of going into it. To stop him, as with all teleporters, release an electronic disturbance within the area, which acts as a deterrent to his powers. Even if able to make a warp, he’ll be quickly forced back within the area.
Water Shock shares the same abilities as most other Atlanteans, meaning he also shares their weaknesses too. While long periods without water will not kill him, it will severely impair his abilities. Extreme heat has been known to incapacitate him as well as using sonar equipment while he is submerged.
Wikki’s power of Omniscient is random. If not active, he’s just a stoner. There is currently no known system to defeat Wikki if his abilities activate. Seeing as there’s no way to know when they do...leave him alone.
Born and raised by Amazonians, Wonder Teen is just as strong as the casual teen from her island. Blessed by the Gods during a time of strife, she has abilities which are the same as Wonder Woman and Donna Troy, however not to such an extreme level. A mix of sonic, mental, and physical attacks will be able to overpower her.
Unlike Frost Brat and Frost Teen, Wynter Lass is capable of manipulating a sub-variant form of Ice; Snow. Don’t let this fool you, for she is still able to place a major hurt on you if she’s given the chance. Of course, Ice and Snow have the same weakness, and to make it easier, snow’s melting point is a lot lower than ice, making pyrotechnics more damaging to her.
With no real offensive or defensive abilities, Xamin is used as an assistant due to his skill with reviewing data as high-speeds. Little force is required to bring him down--however, if any information on a group wide attack on the league is released to him, Xamin would be able to predict who is attacking, at what rate, and how best to save the others, meaning it’s best to bring him down early.
Young Fate’s ability to control magic is given to him by his old master, Dr. Fate. Even though Kyle McCoy adept in Magic, they are greatly weakened without the helmet. After removing the helmet, he is physically weak for five minutes; this would be the best time to take him out. To remove the helmet, a being powerful in dark magic, or that can match him, is able to weaken him.
Zaleth is an Atlantean, leaving him with the same weakness as the rest of his people.
Zeph has the basic ability of flight. He is not immune to bullets, rockets, lasers, and unlucky bugs. His top speed is Mach 3, so would suggest incapacitating him before he takes off the ground.