
Character Name: Tatiana Luvlace
Nickname / Alias: Coffy, Tati
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: August 12, 1998
Date of Joining: January 22nd, 2008
Place of Birth: Metropolis
Residence: Salt Lake City, Utah
Ethnicity: African-American
Race: Meta-Human
Height: 5'5
Weight: 121 lbs
Hair Color: Brunette
Eye Color: Brown
Languages: English
Powers/Abilities: Sporakinesis
Role in the Justice Teens: Medic
Relatives: Kevin Doughlas(Uncle)
Relationships: Kid Rager, Trubie, Kid Blurr, Impulse
Education: High School
Background: Tatiana Luvlace gained her powers due to the 2005 Explosion. In 2007, she would come into contact with Kid Rager through Facebook and created a small friendship with him. Their relationship would grow into something more, causing Tatiana to come out about her powers, to Rager's excitement. With subtle convincing, he was able to get Tatiana to join the Justice Teens as Coffy.
Personality: A lot gentler than her friends Trubie and Wonder, Coffy is more personal with people due to her powers having her physically enter someone to help or harm them. She is not a fan of killing whatsoever, using concussive rounds when in combat. Though she may seem meek, she is still capable of standing her ground if she does not feel it is right.
Quit League: Left the league in December of 2008 after Rager's death
First league healer
Helped in the Final Battle
Den mother
Favorite pass time is reading
Practices medicine
Worked at a clinic in Suicide Slums
Dated and Loved Kid Rager
Best friends with Trubie
Character Summary: