Chandler Price

Character Name: Chandler Price
Nicknames/Alias: Paul, Ezekiel, Chraust, Toussaint L'Ouverture, Naomi, Pap, Simon, Leo, Highland
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: June 17th, 1996
Date of Joining: April 6th, 2011
Place of Birth: Oxford, England
Residence: Mobile
Ethnicity: European
Race: Homo-Magi
Height: 5'9
Weight: 141 lbs
Hair Color: Brunette
Eye Color: Green
Languages: English, French, Spanish, Swedish, Arabic, Japanese, Portuguese, Polish, Chinese, Russian, Korean, Swahili, Cherokee, Greek, Latin
See Powers and Abilities
Role in Justice Teens: Tactician
Relatives: Emily Price(Mother)(Deceased), Cameron Gaines(Father)
Relationships: Kid Blurr, Young Fate, Star Lad, Shiriken, Time Out, Fallout Boy, Maximum Zero, Maxima Zero, Dex, Unity, Somas, Ada Shepard, Iris, Kid Shift, Maximus Zero, Doc Sage, Renol, Doctor Kitten, Atelay, Swish, Mako, Ada Shepard, Tesla Effect, Black Ignite, Slicin Dice, Jack Vesspucci, Jermaine Lake, Makeshift, Dobson, Gang Boss, Ice Tile, Sin, Handsome John
Education: N/A
Background: What's known about the person now known as Chandler Price can only be found in the history books. Millennia ago, they were gifted, or cursed, with the ability to be reincarnated with the memory of their past lives. Throughout Human history, Price has taken many faces and many names, and has taken just as many lives. With his many lives, he has kept a watchful eye over the progression of the world. In 437 A.D., Price would spot two time travelers coming through his town. Nearly two thousand years later, Price would once again see these two people on television and come to know them as Kid Blurr and Kid Shift. With the resources he left for himself in a previous life, Price would make his way to America to make contact with the JTA only to find that Blurr had died months earlier. At first, the team didn't believe his claims until he asked Psi Lad to go through his mind. To his shock, along with the rest of the team, they found Chandler to be telling the truth. He would soon after join the team, keeping his hidden belief that the Blurr he had seen was much older than the one who was currently dead.
Personality: Price is a wise young man, but doesn’t like to show it. He’s well-kept and well-mannered, however, he has some trouble dealing with all the personalities of his past life. He’s open to sharing stories of his past events, although seems to skim over the time between 1936 to 1945. Others often are wary of how to approach him due to his actual age, but he insists that every new incarnation of him is a different person and the only thing connecting them are memories.
Death: Sacrifices himself during the Final Battle
Was one of Jesus disciples
Can be reincarnated as any species/being on Earth
Goes to a book club with Tesla Effect and Donut Boy
Loves all food
Strongly dislikes hippies
Can remember every previous life except the first one
Is in a polyamorous relationship
Goes by both gender pronouns
Prefers being a female
Suffers from anxiety attacks
Skilled in all forms of combat
Can perform small feats of magic
Doesn't trust Arkeptu
Is in a secret relationship with Mhyd
Debates life with Jack Vespucci
Character Summary: With his countless lives, Chandler has experienced the horrors and wonders of the world. His stories hold a mix of wisdom and caution, his actions are sincere and honest, and his goal of protecting the world from the evils he unleashed in his past is heartbreaking and inspiring.
Appearance: Chandler Price wears pretty much anything that upper-middle-class people wear. That being said, he carries himself proudly and attempts to look his best.