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Character Name: Justin Dell

Nicknames/Alias: Burster


Gender: Male

Date of Birth: October 20th, 1996

Date of Joining: March 8th, 2011

Place of Birth: Edmonton, Canada


Ethnicity: Canadian

Race: Meta-Human

Height: 6’3

Weight: 164 Ibs

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Hazel


Languages: English

See Powers and Abilities

Role in Justice Teens: Offense


Relatives: Shawn Dell(Father), Claudia Dell(Mother)


Relationships: Star Lad, Kinetic Teen, Arkpetu, Shiriken, Frost Teen, Top Gun, Renol, Pinpoint X, Kid Shift, Baddle, Comet, Stereo, Hells Archer, Kid Blurr, Dex, Mind Walker


Education: High School


Background: Justin Dell’s wormhole showed up while on vacation to Washington DC in 2011. After Blurr’s death, the league had gone into a state of disarray and members went off the grid. Needing to rebuild membership, Star Lad started a recruitment effort, using several methods. one of them by using S.T.A.R Labs' help to locate any possible meta genes that had been activated during the attack. Justin was one of nineteen teens that had their powers activated, however, the fact that his only ability to was essentially a bottomless pit in his chest, the J.T didn’t see a use in recruiting him. A month later, during an attempted kidnapping by Elizabeth Right, Justin learned that his wormhole could open to other locations. Being saved by Stereo, Justin was trained to utilize his wormhole and use it to fire solar energy from the sun.


Personality: Burster is a brash and loud-mouthed individual. He is fully aware that people make fun of him for the placement of his wormhole, but that only causes him to pick fights with the more powerful members of each team. His focus on using solar energy from the sun is viewed as a testament to his strength and fury. He’s a hero through and through. However, his lack of self-control often leads him to fire off when it’s not needed, leading to massive damage to an area.




The wormhole on his chest does not pass his belly button

Internal organs are still in his body and can be accessed from the sides and back

2D Artist

His name is a reference to the chest bursters from the Alien franchise

Mass sends memes to the league’s group messenger

Favors spicy food

Apple fanboy

The wormhole can refine energy and direct it forcefully without harming him

He’s uncomfortable with people going through the wormhole

Goes to the gym regularly

Rival with Injustice Teen member known as Comet

Often picks fights with Renol

Has a crush on Mind Walker


Character Summary:

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