
Character Name: Nathaniel Kohl
Nicknames/Alias: Breakdown
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: March 17, 1994
Date of Joining: January 27th, 2010
Place of Birth: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Residence: Transit
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Race: Meta-Human
Height: 5’11ft.
Weight: 152 lbs.
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Green
Languages: English, slight German
Powers/Abilities: Molecular Degradation
Role in Injustice Teens: Assassin
Relatives: Alfred Fischer (Father) Jennifer Kohl (Mother), Frederick Fischer (Brother)
Education: High-School Graduate
Background: Nathaniel Kohl was born and raised in Pennsylvania. He is 75% German; his father being born from a Caucasian woman and a German man and his mother being born from half-German woman and a Caucasian man. As a child, he competed in many competitions and contest ranging from spelling-bees, to chess matches, to national science fairs and won most of them. In high school, he discovered an interest in nuclear sciences and started devoting himself into personal research and studies in the middle of his high school career. After graduating from Pittsburg Carrick High School, he moved to Metropolis to attend Metropolis University to major in Nuclear science. Adept in his skills, he was interviewed by a local space center and invited to tour lab, in the interest in recruiting him for a possible career. When an electrical incident occurred, the power in the lab malfunctioned and caused a heavy storage container of decaying plutonium to be unlocked. The massive of radiation nearly killed and damaged the health of most inside the lab, but it caused Nathaniel’s meta-gene to activate, soon revealed to have given him the ability to degrade matter on a molecular level. Upon gaining his powers, he was later recruited by the Injustice Teens, performing his personal studies under their wing, as well as assisting them in whatever ways he is required in exchange.
Personality: Nathaniel is quite intelligent, holding an IQ level of 115, but often socially projects himself as being arrogant, due to his heavily and strictly logical demeanor. Being ambitious and driven by personal goals, he is independent and often works alone. He often tends to be more within his mind than he is focused on the world around him, heavy in theoretical workings and philosophies.
Adept within the fields of nuclear sciences, such as physics and chemistry.
Works on the lab in Transit
Has a secret lab located in middle-America
Only specific members of the Justice Teens can engage him
Can break down any material, even a Lantern ring
Practices vivisections on Meta-Humans in secret
Only visits the cities when sent on a mission
Is often underestimated by first time encounters
Takes 2-5 seconds to feel the effects of powers and then 18 to be killed
Wants to use his powers Potential Teen
Close friends with Doctor Kitten
Does not care much for Maximum Zero’s vision