
Character Name: Atelay
Nicknames/Alias: Killer Magic
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: July 13, 1900
Date of Joining: August 11, 2009
Place of Birth: Hell
Residence: Hell
Ethnicity: Homo Magi
Race: Witch
Height: 5'8
Weight: 134 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Red
Languages: English, Greek, Pig-Latin, French, Tongue
Powers/Abilities: Magic
Role in Injustice Teens: Teleporter
Relatives: N/A
Relationships: Wonder Teen, Lucifer, Prodigyy, Maximum Zero, Danni Ash, Young Fate, Kid Shazam, Dobson, Night Terror, Hells Archer, Heavens Archer, Cyberware, Ice Tile, Kid Blurr, Potential Teen, KellyKa, Sword Peirce,
Education: None
Background: Born in Hell, Atleay traveled Earth to wreak havoc on Humans, taking stances against the good of them all. When super-powered individuals began appearing, she started hunting for their souls as they were more powerful than the basic one. Hearing about the Justice Teens, pure souled kids with powers, Atelay, now going by Killer Magic, went to Metropolis in hopes to steal their souls but came across Prodigyy, son of Zues, and was once again banished.
Personality: Cruel and manipulating bitch, known for using Maximum Zero whenever she can. She's not above absorbing the souls of other Injustice Teens to power herself up, and usually speaks down against anyone, even more powerful opponents. Easy to say that she is highly conceited.
Death: She was seemingly "killed" by Sin during breakfast on Transit in 2013
She has a weakness to Holy Magic
Favors human sacrifices in her name
Is known to lose control of her powers during tantrums
Likes death, killing, and chaos
Helped the Nazi’s during WW II hunt and exterminate Jews
Had a hand in killing J.F.K
Has had sex with multiple members of the Injustice Teens
Unknown negative history with the Amazons
Hates all Religions
Fears confrontation with Heavens Archer
Hates Young Fate
Attempts to manipulate Zero to control the Injustice Teens but fails