
Character Name: Armine
Nicknames/Alias: Gorilla Armine, Armie
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: N/A
Date of Joining: June 8th, 2011
Place of Birth: Gorilla City, Africa
Residence: Frontier
Ethnicity: N/A
Race: Gorilla
Height: 6’2
Weight: 482 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Languages: Ape, Bantu, French, English, Sign Language
See Powers and Abilities:
Role in Justice Teens: Engineer
Relatives: Rhamu(Father)
Relationships: Teen Eagle, Animal Morph, Impulse, The Professor, Frost Brat, Dog Boy, PaPa The Panda, Kid Shift, Renol, Kid Blurr, Tech Break, Somas, Doc Sage, Crocodile Boy, Jaws, Otterboy, Water Shock, Kyrie, Masokiss, Maxima Zero, Maximum Zero, David Blackwell
Education: N/A
Background: Armine was born and raised in the hidden Gorilla City where he lived under the rule of Gorilla Grodd until The Flash helped change the tide by helping Solivar take it back. After many years, Grodd once again took the city for himself which resulted in the enslavement of those who would not follow him. Armine’s father Rhamu was a loyal follower of Grodd, believing Humanity’s reach will find their home. When Armine openly opposed his father, he was beaten within an inch of his life and then forced to hunt the Humans from nearby towns. For almost a year, Armine was forced to slaughter dozens of unsuspecting civilians until 2011 when Grodd made a move against Central City. During the assault, Armine ran away from the bloodshed while The Flash once again dealt with Grodd. With his people gone and lost in a land he did not know, Armine hid in the forest until the Justice Teen known as Teen Eagle found him. After explaining his past, Armine was offered a place at Frontier where his intelligence and strength would be used to help craft some of the league’s more intricate gear.
Personality: Armine’s time under Grodd toughened him up, teaching him how to fight and get more primal with the enemy. When around his friends however he is a happy and sometimes blunt gorilla-person who’ll always lend a hand to his fellow leaguers. He can be a bit nerdish when it comes to food and often sees the ability to wield power as the strongest quality a person can have.
Quits the league after the Final Battle in 2014 to liberate his people
Openly tells people their weight
Listens to rap
Has more of a French accent and tends to curse in the language
Is used to scare inmates for interrogations
At some point, he crossed his father after joining and nearly killed him
Wears gauntlets with grappling hooks to climb and swing around buildings
Believes in ancestral spirits
Member of the Infiltrators
Helped design the contingency plans for the J.T
Suffers from night terrors
Stays out of conversations about zoos
Works with The Professor and Maximus Zero in keeping the vehicles running
Maxima Zero is known to sneak him out and visit cities to learn the culture just as she did
Is a high-priority target for tearing off Paine’s arm