animal morph

Character Name: David Lenox
Nicknames/Alias: Animal Morph, Animal Boy, Animorph
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: June 9th, 1996
Date of Joining: April 2nd, 2011
Place of Birth: Sydney, Australia
Residence: Mobile
Ethnicity: Australian
Race: Meta-Human
Height: 6’1
Weight: 179 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Languages: English
Role in Justice Teens: Scout
Relatives: Arthur Lenox(Father), Bailey Lenox(Mother)(Deceased), Michael Lenox(Brother)(Deceased)
Relationships: Kid Shift, Parasitix, Maximum Zero, Kid Blurr, BronzeCub, Stereo, Hells Archer, Star Lad, Trubie, Ada Shepard, Snowblitz Tech Break, Sparky Arrow, Danni Ash, Young Fate, Shiriken, Heavens Archer, Molly Thunder, PaPa The Panda, Dog Boy
Education: High School
Background: Since he was a kid, David was taught to hunt and survive in the harsh wilderness of Australia ever since his uncle Michael went missing. When the body was found, it had been torn apart by the local wildlife, nearly unrecognizable. His father Arthur continued training the young man until he was 10. Around this time, David began to experience physical changes: enhanced strength, speed, and senses. He also started to act abnormal, and while his mother Bailey simply believed that he was just a funny child, Arthur knew differently. On the night of September 15th, 2009, David heard screaming downstairs. It was his mother and father. He had heard them fight before, but this…this was different. As he climbed from his bed to investigate, he heard a thud on his bedroom door and his doorknob violently shaking. His mother screams “No!” over and over again until there’s a loud bang. Blood spilled from under his door, pouring through the cracks of his wooden floor. Slowly, the door opens, and David sees his father standing above his mother, rifle in hand. Before he could speak, Arthur opened fire on his own son, grazing his right shoulder. Instinctively, David ran for his window and leaped through it, landing hard from the seventeen-foot drop. As another shot rang, David had no time to gather himself and bolted on all fours for the woods. For the next several hours, David’s father chased him, calling him a freak and a monster, saying he was sick just like his uncle and that he’d put David down just like he did him. In the end, David would kill his father. For the next few years, he’d live with Michael’s wife after telling her the truth of what Arthur did. When Ada Shepard’s school moved into the outback, word had reached David. While making his way to speak with her and ran into BronzeCub and Stereo of the Justice Teens. After learning of his Meta-Human heritage, David would opt to join the J.Ts as Animal Morph, acting as both scout and rival to Bronze and Shift.
Personality: Animal Morph’s childhood trauma haunted him until the day he died. He was cynical but hid it well with charm and jokes. His own pain caused him to defend those who couldn’t defend themselves so they wouldn’t have to make the same choice that he had. Cool-headed under pressure and just all-around friendly, Animal Morph is placed under more sensitive missions. He has more control over himself in comparison to the other animal-based members, as a side effect of being the offspring of three generations of Meta-Humans.
Death: Animal Morph perished in the final battle against Cypher
Can hide his Australian accent
Often fought off poachers who trafficked animals
Favorite artist is Ellie Goulding
Is the last of his family’s bloodline
Helps Maximum Zero and Posion Leaf watch over a colony of genetically altered animals
Hyperactive Metabolism
His grandfather was experimented on during WWII to create super soldiers
Uses his charm to get out of sticky situations
Has a tattoo of PaPa’s paw print over his heart
Rival to Kid Shift and BronzeCub
Fallout Boy finds his flirting attitude annoying
Appearance: Animal Morph wears a black and red sleeveless Kevlar vest and black camo pants. On his forearms are black arm guards with fingerless gloves attached. The entire suit was designed to change size whenever Morph would transform, allowing him to still wear the suit when in a less protected form. The suit can be ripped apart if the transformation is too big, or slip off if Morph changes into something like a mouse. Other times, he can be found wearing a trenchcoat.