American Kid I

Character Name: Conner Ottem
Nicknames/Alias: American Kid
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: September 11th, 1996
Date of Joining: November 22nd, 2008
Place of Birth: Wilmington, Deleware
Residence: Water Front
Ethnicity: American
Race: Human
Height: 5'6
Weight: 126 lbs
Hair Color: Brunet
Eye Color: Blue
Languages: English
Powers/Ablities: None
See Powers and Abilities
Role in Justice Teens: Foot Soldier
Relatives: Howard Bradley(Uncle)(Deceased),Stephen Bradley(Cousin)
Relationships: Kid Blurr, Howard Bradley, American Kid II, Relay, Peyton Cross, Sparky Arrow
Education: Unknown
Important Life Events: Joining an early recruitment for J.R.O.T.C, Meeting Commander Bradley, Being trained by Bradley, Learning he's Bradley's nephew, Being dropped from the program, Learning of Bradley's death by the Justice Teens, Became American Kid to the Justice Teens to kill them from the inside, Connor learns the truth about his uncle from a talk with Kid Blurr about Kid Rager, Is killed at some point in 2009
Background: Connor Ottem was born into a normal military family, and lived a normal life until he met a man he would know as Commander Bradley. Bradley would convince his parents to place Connor into a J.R.O.T.C program which would train him to be a better person, and in secret, a better solider. In 2007, Connor would be dropped from the program, after learning Bradley was his uncle. For the next two years, Connor continued his training regiment on his own, until he heard of the death of his uncle at the hands of the Justice Teens. Outraged and hurt, Connor would become American Kid to join the J.T and seek his revenge, however would come to understand the events that transpired that night, and joined the team.
Personality: American Kid isn't the most interesting person to speak with. He can come off bland, but that's due to his militaristic nature. He's loyal to whatever cause he's joined, and protective of those that he serves with. That being said, he has no real leadership skills, and acts better as a solider.
Death: Died from being impaled from behind during the summer of 2009.
The first American Kid
The events surrounding his death are mysteriously forgotten
Works out three times a day
Set up a system for other members of the Justice Teens who do have homes to go to, to be able to do their school work from Water Front
Nephew of Commander Bradley