
Character Name: Liam King
Nicknames/Alias: Acolyte, The Acolyte
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: June 13th, 1997
Date of Joining: September 8th, 2010
Place of Birth: Unknown
Residence: Mobile
Ethnicity: Unknown
Race: Homo Magi
Height: 5'9
Weight: 167 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Languages: English and Mandarin
See Powers & Abilities:
Role in Justice Teens: Crowd Control
Relatives: The Sleepless King(Father), Unknown(Mother), Allister Murphy(Adoptive Father)
Relationships: Arkeptu, Patric Holmes, Maria Red, Kid Blurr, Sparky Arrow, 52, Parlor Trixx, Danni Ash, Suitra, Theodore Xater, Sin, Atelay, Kid Shift, Flint, Dobson, Pyran, Makeshift, Gyro, Shiriken, Tech Break, Kinetic Teen, Frost Teen, Somas, Nadia Savage, Theodore Xater, Kid Blacklight, Ice Tile, Stereo, Shriken, Armine
Education: Unknown
Background: Born into the cult of The Sleepless King, Acolyte is the product of the cult’s many sacrificial pre-teen mothers. Born to be used as a weapon, he was gifted with the incredible ability to transmutate objects from one state to another. For years, he studied and trained to be an acolyte for the Sleepless King until he was sent out on his first mission with several other children in their group: lay waste to a small sleepy town in South America. Over the span of 8 hours, the children killed all 867 souls in the dead of night. As a soldier for the cult, Acolyte would be sent on assassination and kidnap missions until the arrival of Young Fate and Patric Holmes in 2009 where the duo would kill several dozen members of the cult while hunting after their leader Allister. With Acolyte being one of the few survivors, Arkeptu sent a few fleeting fragments of his memories as a baby of his mother, sending him into a comatose state for a few days in which the memories of his life replayed. After waking in a nearby villa under the control of the Cult, he managed to escape, leaving his brothers and sisters behind in a hunt for Arkeptu that would span more than a year. When next their paths crossed, he would end up battling a handful of J.Ts and successfully defeating them before being stopped by Kid Blurr and Sparky Arrow. After his defeat, Acolyte begged Arkeptu to stop tormenting him with fake dreams, only to be told that they were his own memories. Unsure of what to believe anymore, he fell to his knees and begged Arkeptu to kill him, but before Xater could deliver the blow, Arkeptu offered him a spot on the Justice Teens, seeing the pain and broken manner of which the Cult had left him. He promised to help uncover the truth of his mother and to kill Allister, as long as he served him, thus becoming the newest student of Arkeptu, Young Fate.
Personality: After joining the Justice Teens and essentially going rogue, Acolyte became headstrong and violent. He’s known for being blunt and aggressive due to his time in the cult. When on assignment, he’d rather work solo than with others, knowing he can move faster and wouldn’t have to work as cleanly while working on his own. He’s worrisomely best when fighting, and can often get carried away. However, since being more in a team setting, Acolyte’s become more protective of those who choose to fight by his side, almost to a fault where it’s been noted that he’s placed himself in suicidal situations.
Quits: Leaves the league after the Final Battle to pursue a new purpose
Member of both the Knights of Sorcery and Infiltrators
Deals with depression and suicidal thoughts
Favorite color is red
Is one of the few Homo Magi in the last few thousand years to become a student of Arkeptu
Due to his facial structure and olive skin, it’s slightly tricky to tell what race/ethnicity he is
Suffers from social anxiety
Arkeptu’s secretly brought him in as a sacrifice due to a vision of The Sleepless King
Is dating Rebar of the Injustice Teens
Is able to resist Hierarchy’s power
Character Summary: Born as a weapon of chaos, Acolyte now serves Arkeptu as a champion of order and justice, through violence and death.